Jan 08, 2011 16:02

The inhabitants of the Temple were all assembled in the Dining Hall. It was a large room with high ceilings, warmed by the fire in the fireplace opposite the main entrance and several smaller braziers scattered between the tables. The three large tables, normally set side by side, had been pushed against the walls to clear a space at the center of ( Read more... )

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forestcalf January 9 2011, 00:54:00 UTC
Fillin, unlike the others, had not been standing in one place. He had been moving from table to table and decoration to decoration, ensuring that every little detail was in place. This mean, unfortunately for him, that he was very far away from Loe or Raina's protective custody when the Called--er, monsters? Oh no.--appeared in the hall.

And then Loe fired his rifle, and Raina threw a chair, which meant that naturally Fillin needed to do something, too. Sadly, he had neither rifle, nor chair, so he instead opted to play to his strengths and use whatever else he had.

He lifted a tray and...offered it to the Called around him. "Hors d'oeuvres?"

[OOC: All comers may interact with Fillin! Have at him!]


dovewithadream January 9 2011, 01:06:39 UTC
Kobato fell and fell hard as the weight of the person holding her suddenly disappeared. Dazed and confused she manages to push herself up with only a little trouble. Once she makes it to her feet she takes a look around.

A hall?

That's not right. She was just with Fujimoto-san and now she is...where is she?

Then a man walks up to her. When he offers her the plate she just stares. He says something. It sounds like a question, but she doesn't understand the words. She tries asking him one of her own in Japanese.

"Um, Sir? Where I'm I?"


forestcalf January 9 2011, 01:44:55 UTC
Oh dear. The poor girl doesn't speak Common. Fillin has, fortunately, learned a great many languages. Japanese, unfortunately, is not one of them.

Lucky for Kobato, Fillin does have a communicator handy, and he is quite adept at typing with one hand. He types out a message, waits for the handy translation feature to kick in, and then holds the communicator up so that Kobato can see what he's written.

"Welcome to Vertiline! My name is Fillin. Would you care for something to eat?"

It would appear he is quite good at predicting the questions people usually ask when first Called to Vertiline.


dovewithadream January 9 2011, 02:06:26 UTC
She just watches as the man, instead of responding, pulls out a phone like thing and types into it. After a minute he turns the screen around so she can see it.

"Oh! No thank you! I'm fine."

She waves her hands quickly while she talks.

"That's nice of you, but um...what is Vertiline? I was someplace else just a little while ago and..."

She cuts off as the commotion in the center of the hall catches her attention.

"What's going on!?"


forestcalf January 9 2011, 02:19:40 UTC
He catches the word "Vertiline" in there and can assume she's asking for more information. Type-typity-type!

"You have been Called. We need your help to protect our home."

Fillin glances over his shoulder. It's not hard to guess what has caught the poor girl's attention. He types again, briefly.

"Don't mind it. It's under control."


dovewithadream January 9 2011, 02:39:21 UTC
It doesn't look under-control.

The man keeps typing into the phone thing. He hasn't tried speaking to her since he offered her some food. She didn't understand him then so maybe they don't speak the same language. She can only guess that the phone thing works as a translator. However, a language barrier isn't going to stop her from asking more questions. When she speaks she tries to act out her words with the appropriate hand gestures. She ends up looking rather silly.

"What do mean by called? Protect? I can't fight!"

She's horrified by the very thought.

After she finishes talking she glaces down at her arm. She still has her basket, but all it contains is a winged bottle. She flails.

"Ioryogi-san is missing!"

First Fujimoto-san and now Ioryogi-san! What's going on.


forestcalf January 9 2011, 02:46:17 UTC
She does, indeed, look very silly! Fortunately, Fillin is a polite man, and does not laugh.

Instead, he types out another question. "Are you missing something?"


dovewithadream January 9 2011, 02:57:25 UTC
Of course she's missing something strange nice man. Can't you see the gestures.

She...she has no idea what she's doing. How does one tell another person, who speaks a completely different language, that your sentient guide dog plushie is missing.

So instead she just nods.


withanokka January 9 2011, 01:08:37 UTC
.......this looks nothing like an air balloon. Sokka's first thought is something along the lines of, "Ooooh, fancy!"

The second thought is a lot less coherant as attacks come down upon a griffon and a spider-thing-that-OH-YUCK-THERE'S-A-PERSON-ATTACHED-TO-IT-SERIOUSLY-WHAT-IS-GOING-ON--- Sokka spins on his heel, grabbing for his sword--

Which is missing.

NO PROBLEM, that's all right he totally has a boomera---

He doesn't have a boomerang.

Fillin is the first person Sokka thinks to yell at-- after all, Hors d'oeuvres implies either he'd snuck in or actually worked here.

"Hey! Where are-- where's all my stuff?!"

Not, hey, where am I, or maybe, what's going on, no, no, Sokka doesn't see Zuko nearby-- the last person he saw-- and he is completely unarmed. This is going to suck.


sorrowfulstone January 9 2011, 01:27:13 UTC
"I'm so sorry, we couldn't take everything with all of you. Just a few limited things," Eir says, catching the question to Fillin. She gives the young man a sympathetic look. He looks as dazed and confused as they all the Called do at first.


withanokka January 9 2011, 01:34:58 UTC
Sokka's breath hitches in his chest as he stares and he stares at Eir's hair for a moment still grasping blindly behind his shoulder for his weapons.

Of course his first thought is of Yue, who else could he think of?

He shakes his head a bit, ignoring the thought. She's older, her skin is lighter, she's nothing like her.

Still, his response isn't as sharp as he initially intended.

"But, with stuff like-- like that around?" He gestures weakly at Mezzaline and Zhaneel, the distress showing in his eyes. "Of all the things we'd need--" He flails a bit, struggling for words. It's the hair, really.


sorrowfulstone January 9 2011, 01:47:02 UTC
Eir follows his gaze to the two Called and winces a bit.

"Yes they were...unexpected," she replied, finding herself also struggling for the right words. "You shouldn't fear them, though, they were brought here for the same reason you were."


withanokka January 9 2011, 01:53:30 UTC
"Ooookay." He swallows, hard, and tries to come up with a quip, but the only thing he manages is a very standard question: "Where is.... where is here, exactly?"

Seriously, this was messed up, he'd just been telling Zuko about Yue...


sorrowfulstone January 9 2011, 02:01:46 UTC
"You're in Vertiline, in the temple," Eir replied, already appreciating that he wasn't flying off the handle at her. There had been enough of that already. "My name is Eir. Along with Raina and Loe," she continued, gesturing to the two people, and then a second man, "and Fillin, we manage the temple and serve Our Lady who watches over Vertiline."


withanokka January 9 2011, 02:20:07 UTC
....Sokka barely took in half of that. But he was brought here. Which means he could be sent back.

"Look-- thiiiiis has been really fun, but-- Eir? Eir, I've got to get back to the, uh-- the war balloon. With Zuko. Rescue mission and all that-- very important, you understand." He's trying to back away into the crowd at first and realizes that... would probably be counterproductive to talking to the woman who is probably his only hope at this point. "Can't you just-- look, I need to get back, I just need to go home."


sorrowfulstone January 9 2011, 02:27:28 UTC
Eir was already shaking her head the moment she guessed what was coming from Zuko. There was a point when people had heard enough and what they wanted was to be returned.

"I'm sorry I can't do that. I nearly tapped myself out bringing you all here in the first place," she replied, not exactly apologetically. "Please won't you just eat and make yourself at home? I know you are needed at home but we need you here."


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