Add/Removes have been updated. Copy and paste the Add and Remove text boxes into the
Admin Console regularly to keep your friends list up to date.
Friend Adds:
friend add vertiline_rpg
friend add vertiline_log
friend add vertiline_ooc
friend add verty_events
friend add bloodswan
friend add forestcalf
friend add nobleguests
friend add skycandle
friend add sorrowfulstone
friend add stormcleaver
friend add a_doc_not_a
friend add agreatdeceiver
friend add amileaking
friend add bandit_fu
friend add bellator_lucis
friend add believeslegends
friend add bondedgryphon
friend add brittlenerves
friend add catherine-b320
friend add chaos_ripper
friend add couldbeavillain
friend add dovewithadream
friend add entirelybonkers
friend add fallintheriver
friend add gimmethesuit
friend add gotthesuit
friend add gunsandhonor
friend add harrisment
friend add heavyweaponsbot
friend add iyaaha
friend add justalilnuts
friend add kissorkeepher
friend add knowsvinewhip
friend add l33tshushuhero
friend add lilyground
friend add memoriesinsmoke
friend add metharchy
friend add mezzaline
friend add mildlyreckless
friend add minish_midget
friend add misguides
friend add missmimmi
friend add mmmleather
friend add nightwingingit
friend add notspiderpig
friend add oneperfecthit
friend add orwashepushed
friend add penetratesyou
friend add phasebitchin
friend add pimp_hat
friend add pinkefficiency
friend add playdohsmash
friend add redhot_redeemed
friend add rockmelikea
friend add scarsncigars
friend add shineonwater
friend add shocksanglocks
friend add sonofthestorm
friend add spiders_bite
friend add squreofthe7seas
friend add stealthe_moon
friend add superntral_temp
friend add the_batwave
friend add thebatwave
friend add thenotmagician
friend add thepuppyhero
friend add theycalledme
friend add too_fairytale
friend add trusttheplastic
friend add tv_troper
friend add twopistols
friend add unamvirtus
friend add wayfoundwind
friend add were-it-so-easy
Friend Removes:
friend remove dat_astrid
friend remove digtastic
friend remove dramatizes
friend remove folkloristlore
friend remove hair_fu
friend remove idkmybffstoick
friend remove infernaldork
friend remove listen_toyour
friend remove stoicguardian
friend remove summonupastorm
friend remove talkingfishbone
friend remove were-it-so-easy
friend remove withanokka