Mod Announcements!

May 07, 2011 14:41

Hello Vertizens! It’s your mod-team, Mari and Boots, here with an important message about your AAA Membership and 401K!

...okay, maybe not. But we do, nonetheless, have some important things to talk about with you, our fantastic player-base.


First of all, we would like to take this time to give you all ample warning of some changes in mod availability.

As some of you may know, at the end of May, Boots will be packing up all her worldly possessions, piling them into a covered wagon, and making her way from the East Coast allllllll the way to the West.  This means that while she’s preparing for her move, her game-time is limited (much to her chagrin), and she will be completely unavailable while traveling to her new home.  If all goes well, she will only be offline for about a week.  But if the river is too deep to ford, she may get dysentery, and that’s terrible.

Normally, this would not leave you entirely without mods, however Mari’s availability will also be somewhat limited during the next couple months, and in May in particular. Mari has a large family. A very large, involved family that will be celebrating at least four birthdays, including her own at the end of the month. This means that her weekend time will be limited, as some of it will be claimed by family. May is usually the busiest month, but it doesn’t exactly start to taper off until mid-June, depending on the schedule of family obligations.

Despite this inconvenience, applications will continue to be processed every week, though we ask for patience in the event that processing be unavoidably delayed.

We will of course keep you all informed of further details or developments as necessary.


So, what does this mean for Vertiline and all of your characters? What does this mean for events and the NPCs?

We’re glad you asked! Unfortunately, with the mods not as available during this period of time, events that require a higher level of mod involvement will be either adjusted or rescheduled to a time when we’re able to give said events the time and effort they deserve.

Instead of heavier plot-related events and monster events, we are pleased to announce that we will be holding a 4th Wall Weekend at the end of May! Not only will we be using this event to celebrate our time together thus far, but also to encourage new and current players to bring new characters to Vertiline!  Do you have a friend who has been considering joining and who wants to get a feel for how players interact with each other?  Do you have a character you’ve been considering apping and want to test him/her out?  Now is the time to do it!

Why now?  Because our 4th Wall Weekend has a special feature.  That’s right--players who app a character within 7 days of the events end will get to keep any CR they’ve built over the course of the weekend!  This means that characters that participate in the 4th wall event and which are apped into the game will not be starting from scratch like most characters.  Additionally, the events of the 4th wall event will not be wiped from characters memories, both to allow potential new players to keep their budding CR and for IC, plot-related reasons.  Oooh.  Sneaky.

Again, watch this space for further information as we get closer to our 4th Wall Weekend!


Now, it is at this time that we’d like to offer our praise and admiration for one of our fantastic players, Keke!

Keke, who plays the original characters Mimmi, Zeke, Jin, and Kloe, has been busily advertising for Vertiline and recruiting, managing our game wiki (for which we are infinitely thankful), and has recently organized an amazing player-run plot for all of you!  (Amazing for our players, at any rate.  We suspect your characters may disagree somewhat on the amazingness of this plot.)

In fact, we were so inspired by this plot, and so delighted by the player CR developed as a result, that we wanted to take a moment to encourage you all to consider player-run events of your own, especially during this period when your mods will have less time available than usual.

Player-run events often lead to new and interesting CR for your characters, and have the added advantage of being more personalized to the characters themselves. We, your intrepid, flurblicious mods, are more than happy to lend an ear to listen any ideas you might have.  If you have any questions or have ideas you’d like to discuss with us one-on-one, we are available on AIM (Boots: baekhesten and Mari: RamiahStar) and also via email:  We’d also like to remind players that we have a plot suggestions post for your use.  We accept all sorts of plot ideas, from the silly to the serious, and we welcome whatever thoughts you may have.

To help facilitate the brainstorming and organization of player plots, we encourage players to join us on the following post, dedicated to that purpose, and to join us in chat (AIM: vertiline) today, Saturday, to throw ideas around with other players!
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