Mar 18, 2011 23:35
The storm raged hard for days. The wind blew through Eider, Ardel, and the Temple grounds, leaving leaves and branches of debris everywhere. Two days after it started, it seemed to die down, before starting up once more and knocking down some of the trees which weren't as strongly rooted in the ground.
Vertiline was a country ready for disasters of all sorts, however. Their stores were full, their buildings secure, and morale was high. The villagers kept busy indoors, venturing out only to check on the livestock, collect fresh rain water, or go to a neighbor's to visit for a few hours.
The weather seemed to have no intention of letting up entirely until Friday evening. Dark clouds continued to obscure the stars and moon, but the rain stopped. The wind slowed to a gentle breeze, and by Saturday morning, it was entirely safe to venture outside once more. This was, of course, if one was willing to risk the possibility of slipping in the mud or tripping over fallen branches.
The good news was that while our intrepid adventurers took shelter in the hills, just a couple days beyond Ardel, the retreating fog seemed to have finished its journey. The road and surrounding wilderness was completely clear between Ardel and...whatever happened to be at the end.
They wouldn't be leaving the shelter empty handed either.
With the Called having discovered a cup with small gems around the edge, a figurine of a woman with an emerald pendant, and a primitive but well crafted flashlight with a green jewel on-off button, it appeared that their choice to travel into places unknown had not gone unrewarded. There's more to these items than meets the eye--no, they're not small Transformers. They are, however, artifacts. Yes, the very same ones that have been mentioned before as the means by which Called can regain powers.
These artifacts can be brought to Eir, and with them she can recover a single magical ability for the Called. This process will work differently, depending on the Called.
Called-A had powers before they came to Vertiline. With an artifact, they can have Eir unlock one of these powers. This power will be nerfed as previously agreed upon during the apping process, but it will be back permanently! Hooray!
Called-B never had any magical or supernatural abilities before arriving at Vertiline. Still, with an artifact, they too can gain a power! Your mods have a handy-dandy list of abilities (yes, "nothing" qualifies) from which one will be selected at random using a random number generator. Players may request a specific skill, however the mods reserve the right to deny all requests.
Gosh, this sounds just great doesn't it? But the fun doesn't stop there!
Called who have gained abilities may also teach their abilities to other Called, regardless of whether or not they had the power before. Abilities may be taught to three separate people, and a single person may learn a total of three abilities that they never had before.
Learned abilities will only work at half of the capacity that the teacher is capable of. This means that people using learned abilities will not be able to use their ability as long, as strongly, or with as much control.
Be warned, these artifacts aren't all good. There is a serious drawback to finding and keeping one. Due to their mysterious nature, anyone who takes possession of an artifact will find themselves getting tired twice as easily. This feeling of tiredness will remain, even if the artifact is stolen or given away. In addition, whoever takes and artifact (through legal or less than legal means) will also experience this energy drain. The only way to be rid of it is to bring the artifact to Eir.