My new heroINE!

Aug 20, 2008 22:15

Item #1
I have a new heroine!

I was watching the Olympic Women's Marathon, and though I had originally intended to channel-surf, I was glued to the tv for a good 45mins, watching a group of women running in the hot Beijing Sun. Lemme tell you. These women look really mean and fit and trim. Anyway, 5 mins into it, I realised that they were running a marathon. 7 mins into it, I realised that they have been running without stopping for no less that 1hr 45mins. And a few more minutes passed before I realised that they were running at speeds of 17 - 19km/hr!

Oh man! So there I was, watching Paula Radcliffe's (UK) face contorted in agony, as she ran with a cramp, and had to eventually stop to try and stretch out the cramp. And there I was, watching the fastest runner, Constantina Tomescu of Romania, running ahead, with 10 more km to go. As I watched, I just felt so sorry for her. Man! Her heart must be pumping like crazy, her lungs must be hurting, and her muscles must be burning man. But there she was, a tough old chick, showing me how a person can put "mind over body" to practice, running at a pace which didn't slacken at all, and hitting the finishing line a whooping 1min 30 secs ahead of the lead pack! So yes, Constantina Tomescu did win the Gold for the Women's marathon. I suppose the next question must be "What's the big deal? You knew that someone has to win the Gold medal. And anyway, why focus on the marathon runners? Why not the field atheletes? Or the gymnasts? Or the synchronised swimmers?" Here's why:

She ran at an average of 18km/hr

She ran at an average of 18km/hr without stopping for almost 2hr 30 mins

Did I forget to mention that she ran a total of 42 km????!

And did I forget to mention that she's a 38 yr old mother of one????!!!

So that's why she is my heroine.

She certainly puts me to shame. Here I am, at the age of 26, getting really whiny about running 6 km, thinking that its such a big freaking deal when a 38yr olf mother of one ran all of 42 km!!!

And here's a picture of her, in honour of the Gold she's won!

Item #2
Was helping Reubs with his assignment due tomorrow, and here's how the conversation went on MSN:

*I am Reubin* says: WAHHH
*I am Reubin* says: where the hell you get the answer from
*I am Reubin* says: you seems like smarter than me man

...and I am LIYAN! says: its all in the reading that you give me
 ...and I am LIYAN!  says: yah lor

*I am Reubin* says: SERIOUS???
*I am Reubin* says: you are legend

...and I am LIYAN! says: i think right, we should go uni as Li Bin
 ...and I am LIYAN! says: then right, you do the calculations, and i do the theory
 ...and I am LIYAN! says: confirm get HONOURS WITH DISTINCTION
 ...and I am LIYAN! says: haha
 ...and I am LIYAN! says: Li Bin Ferdinand Lim
 ...and I am LIYAN! says: hahahah

*I am Reubin* says: Li Bin Ferdinand Ngo Lim

...and I am LIYAN! says: no lah
 ...and I am LIYAN! says: where got people with like 3 surnames?

*I am Reubin* says: Li Bin Ferdinand Wijaya Santoso Wibowo Lim Ngo
*I am Reubin* says: this is dealing with indo's name

Haha! I kinda thought it was funny!

Item #3
I was thinking yesterday or so, that when you really love someone, you want to give. I'm not really talking about material stuff, though I suppose that some people can be really big on giving gifts to people they love, just to show that they love them. What I mean is that sort of emotional giving, where you want to be the best, and give all the love, patience understanding ... etc (basically everything you have) because you love the person so so much.

And then I was thinking that yes, I do feel that way with Reubin, and that there is such joy in giving, and such joy to see him accepting.

Then I was thinking that it would be horrible, really horrible if Reubin was to reject all that, because somehow, I would see it as him rejecting me, and it would hurt so so much.

And then I realised something. Just imagine. If I can hurt so much from such rejection, can you imagine how God must feel? That he loved us so much even when we (as in humanity) are so ugly, to give us His one and only son. And then what do we (as in humanity) do? We reject Him don't we? That's so sad...

Somehow, this epiphany (if you can call it that) puts everything in perspective.  I am truly truly truly blessed.

I have
1. A God who loves me,
2. Parents who love me,
3. A Stinky Sis (who shall henceforth be SS) who loves me (and says that i am her BESTEST SIS),
4. A patient manja boyfriend who loves me,
5. Friends who love (and absolutely adore, I believe) me
6. A roof over my head
7. A belly full of homecooked food everyday (most days lah)
8. and A closet full of pretty clothes

9. oh yah, I forgot GOOD HEALTH.

Seriously man, what more could I ask for?!

ps: After re-reading Item #3, I realised that I am a not very coherent.... as in... what's the link huh? Hahaha! But I really can't be bothered to go back and re-edit, so I'll just leave it as that.
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