Cheap-assed Shopping Spree!! Wheeeeee!!!

Aug 09, 2008 22:23

Man, what can I say? Anyone who had caught the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony must have been as blown away as I was! It was awesome awsome awesome. I must admit that I was a little bored by it towards the middle, before the march in and all that. But still, what an AWESOME show!!!! I was telling the parents and Lim that I have never felt so proud to be Chinese (as in Cheena Chinese and all that). My dad snorted and said that that was a bunch of BS. It's BS for me to say that when they do something spectacular, and yet, turn up my nose  because of their bad fashion sense or when they do the things they do like spit, talk loudly, not queue etc. And so, I'm content to just say that I am not PROUD to be Chinese, but am proud OF China, and what they have accomplished! Lets see how London 2012 is going to top that.

And then, there's NDP 08 today.. Well.... my uncle said that there's no point in watching it after watching the Olympic Opening. I totally concur with that. It's not that I didnt try watching it. I sat through it till about 7, and then moved to my room and watched youtube with NDP muted on the telly. I seriously don't think I missed much. I mean, what the heck were those column thingys with silvered people on it representing Music, Fine Arts, Science and whatnot? Bah.

Moving On.

I have been going on a mini cheap-assed shopping spree. How can a shopping spree be cheap-assed you ask??? Here's how:

From Left To Right:

1. Grey Stretchy Slightly Sheer Sphag Top : $8, Holland V
2. Black Ankle-high Roman Sandals: $9.90, Far East Plaza
3. Purple and Sparkly Gold Tee: $5, Holland V
4. Big Black Sunnies: $14.90, Mustafa
5.Retro Looking Green and Brown Pleated Print Skirt: $22, This Fashion
6. Stinky Sis: Priceless :D

Ok, #6 is lame.

Total Damage: $59.60!!!

I still can't believe it! $60 for 5 items!

What a steal!!!!
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