February 12 of 12

Feb 12, 2008 17:22

Yep. It's the 12th! :) That means it's time for Chad Darnell's 12 of 12.

12 pics of my day on the 12th of the month... Blah, blah. :)

I'm gonna be in for the night, so I figured I could sum up the day as it was already. :) This kind of ended up being the 12 of 12 of food...I don't think I've included all three meals before. LOL. At any rate... Enjoy!

I was organizing my playbills from this year, making sure I had them all. My tickets are in another envelope ~ and those will feature in a pic in the 366 pics challenge later this year...like December 31...or after whatever the last show I see this year is. And yes, there are 4 of the same show. I love it. So there.

Breakfast was cheddar cheese melted on a whole wheat English muffin. Yummy!

Quick check of my fundraising page for The Overnight Walk for Suicide Awareness and Prevention to see how well (or not) I'm doing. Wow! A great uncle sent a check in. :) I need to figure something out to help with this fundraising since no one seems to think it's an important cause. Hmmm... I wonder... Maybe someone with Next to Normal would be interested in something... It is about mental illness and more specifically depression (bi-polar but tendency towards depression)... Something to think about.

Speaking of Next to Normal... The windowcard...only it's on heavy poster paper. I got soe signatures last Tuesday. I was really only going to get Brian d'Arcy James and Alice Ripley, but Jennifer came over to sign...and gotta give the 16-year-old a break. Let the kid sign. So I'll take it back sometime and catch the others so I have the whole cast. Love Alice's decision to sign on the blue with a blue marker. :P (Silly me assumed they'd sign in the grey area, hence pulling out the blue marker from my collection.)

Almost ready to leave. Yes, I wore one black sock and one white sock. I also wore my Converse high tops, so it's not like anyone saw it. Besides, I feel bad for my socks that have lost their mates!

At school on my prep. I've added a few things to the bulletin board. Figured I'd share. When the 12th is a school day, it's a slow month.

Lunch. I was actually hungry, so I hiked to Popeye's for the chicken strips meal. Yummy!!!

This is our new classroom mascot. His name is Ripley. Long story. Our administrative assistant has been cleaning her daughter's room and gave him to me. The next morning, I'd been listening to Alice's band's music on the way to school and it was stuck in my head. (Oh, the band's called Ripley. You need to know that for this to even begin to make sense.) A little later, Ms. AP came in for something and asked who the bear was. I said he's our classroom mascot. She asked his name. We hadn't named him yet and given the state of my mind at that point, Ripley came out of my mouth. And the kids loved it. They wouldn't HEAR of changing it. *headdesk* Sometimes I think I need help with how my brain works. :P

It's snowing! I made this attempt with the macro setting. It's not great, but I haven't really tried to photograph falling snow before.

Dinner. Yes, Virginia, that's an omelette. I know...I don't usually eat eggs. Don't know why I wanted them. Maybe recovering something from the virus I'd had and the lack of eating over the weekend? Who knows. Also some cheesy Texas Toast. Yum!

Checking email. I need to respond to some later tonight.

London is this weekend!!!! Getting my stuff out and starting to get it together! Can't wait!!!!!

OMG! I almost forgot the bonus pic. Technically there's not one, but Benny is my bonus this year!!!!

He's eating a bit of my muffin. Not his greatest pic, but oh well.

So that's it. My boring day! :)

12 of 12

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