12 of 12 2.0 December Edition

Dec 12, 2007 20:37

So here it is... The end of the second year of 12 of 12. You know the drill. It's the brainchild of Chad Darnell.

I had an eye doctor's appointment (and a paper to finish), so I took the day off. Eye doctor's went well. I'm back on contact lenses for my primary use. :) Yay!! Inadvertantly, I ended up with a lot of signs this time. Weird!!

Anyway... Enjoy!

Listening to the cast recording for Xanadu!!! Love it!!! I have not listened to anything else all day long!!!!

Checking up on if tickets are on sale for this yet. Not until next Monday. I WILL go! It will complete my Redgrave trifecta ~ seeing all three of the sibs perform on stage in a 12 month period! :) Yay!!

Working on finishing up the paper before my appointment. I have no pictures of the appointment because I left my camera AND my paper at home. So I had to come back to get them.

I snapped a pic of Benny on his favorite perch ~ the top of the door. I didn't eat at home today, so he had no food to steal. But I know some don't consider it a 12 of 12 without Benny pictures! So! :)

Walking around. This Spamalot sign always makes me laugh. The witches too expensive part makes me laugh every time!

Whoever came up with this sign deserves an award. Hys-friggin-terical!

Two-part pic for the play I'm seeing on Saturday. SOOOO excited. Eve Best rocks my world. She's not *quite* at Julianne's level in my head and heart, but she's close. She is absolutely amazing and I cannot wait to see her in this in costume and with set. (I saw a read through their first time before an audience.) The word that's kind of blocked out in the second one is "about".

I went to the library to pick up a couple of books that were on reserve. The lions are all decked out for the holidays! Cute!!

Well, we've seen the theatre marquee before...but with a different show. I do miss The Vertical Hour dearly. But this sign is so much better than what WAS there (Deuce)...and I'm looking so forawrd to seeing this tomorrow night!!

The play I'm seeing on December 23rd. Now before anyone freaks out, I didn't pay more than $32.50 for ANY of the tickets. Thanks to TDF and student rush. I'm really excited to see this one too!

Part of the locals who are also celebs visitor campaign. This one really did just happen to be the one outside of the subway stop where I exited. Honest. There weren't any others around. :)

I was walking to get dinner before class. (White pizza from Caruso's. YUMMY!) And this shot was just too pretty to pass up. Would have been prettier without the cars, but what can you do?

Our bonus picture was "Believe".

Ok, no big surprise I chose a church. But this is a specific church. And yes, you've seen it before from different angles. St. Paul's Chapel. That space behind it? Just across the street from it? Ground Zero. Given how tiny that church is, there's really no explanation for why it stood and only lost one sycamore tree on 9/11. At least no scientific explanation. But someone/something knew it needed to be there for shelter. And so it stood.

12 of 12

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