On the sixth day of Christmas

Dec 31, 2018 13:17

my true love sent to me

six dodged bullets

[Title] Finish Line
[Fandom] Azumanga Daioh / Battle Royale
[Rating] PG
[Word Count] 994
[Notes/Summary] Continuation from previous fics. Kagura's never been good at sitting around and waiting.

Having nothing to do made her start to get scared

[Title] The "I" in "Team"
[Fandom] Jet Set Radio
[Rating] PG
[Word Count] 359
[Notes/Summary] Slate was never one for teamwork, but this is kind of working out for him.

Slate was never interested in the gang side of rudieism. Well, being from Kogane-cho, male, and not hot shit with computers, his only option would’ve been Poison Jam, and to be honest he doesn’t get why anyone’d go for them. Okay, you got safety in numbers and someone to watch your back, but those someones are people for whom Jason fucking Voorhees is a role model, you really trusting them to come through for you when the chips are down?

And if you aren’t, then what’s the point?

Some rudies, they’d be like fuck ‘em, I’ll start my own crew. Funny, no one ever suggested that to Slate. Probably ‘cause someone who looks like Bert from Sesame Street’s ghetto cousin and hides his lack of charisma behind sarcasm wouldn’t stand a chance. Plus, the three main gangs got the street sewn up. That’s why those kids who thought they could start their own never made it work.

Then Beat, who makes Clark Kent look like Slipknot when it comes to mild manners, comes along and not only makes it work, he ends up owning the entire fucking city.

And somehow Slate’s along for the ride.

But… the GGs are legit when it comes to watching your back. Like they really believe in the power of friendship and all that (maybe saving the city from a demon rhino gives you a new perspective on that). So, really Slate’d be an idiot not to stay and just go with it. He figures if anyone’s going to be doing any back-stabbing in this gang, it’d be him, and he ain’t about to turn down what’s a pretty sweet deal. You don’t have to wear a fucking uniform, you rule the streets, they got a pinball machine. No need to ask what’s the point? Survival’s the point, like it always has been.

Still, if he had to be stuck with teamwork, it could be worse. None of them actually piss him off more than half the time, which might sound bad, but with most people it’s like ninety per cent eye-rolling. He dodged a bullet here, basically. He’ll stick around for a while.

[Title] Three Musketeers
[Fandom] Azumanga Daioh / Malory Towers
[Rating] G
[Word Count] 505
[Notes/Summary] Osaka was pretty nervous about school in England, but it seems to have worked out okay.

Osaka was kind of worried ‘bout coming to England. Like, she’d been hitting the books when it came to learning the language, and she figured that at least she wouldn’t need to worry about them laughing at her accent - it’d all sound the same to them, right? And, okay, it was meant to rain here all the time, but it rained plenty in Japan, and walking in storms was one of her favourite things.

But the people, that was going to be another thing. She figured they was going to laugh at her not just for being slow and dopey, but for just being Japanese and from a whole other country. Bein’ stuck in a boarding school with everyone laughing at her didn’t sound so good.

But it was okay. It was really okay. Sure, Malory Towers was like any other school in like they wanted you to be on time and have the right books and stuff, and she wasn’t always so good at that. But it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter ‘cause Irene and Belinda was never on time either. Okay, so quite a lot the reason none of the three of them made it to class on time ‘cause Irene would say, Isn’t it geography next? and then Belinda would say I’m sure it’s art, like hopefully, and then she, Osaka (they all struggle to say Ayumu so she stuck with Osaka and hey, they all know the place exists now, which is nice when you’re far from home…)

… point is, she’d say, Hey, did we get any maths homework? and then they’d all get distracted trying to remember what it was and then next thing you know, Darrell or Sally or Alicia’s hurrying up to them going What are you doing, history started ten minutes ago, Miss Carson sent me to look for you…

I think we’re all doomed Alicia says, one time in the common room. I mean, Irene on her own was bad enough. Then Belinda arrived, and I thought, that will be the end of it, there can’t be more than two of them. But I was wrong. Osaka, I don’t understand how you managed to make it all the way from Japan without somehow ending up in Africa or something.

I think you should be proud of her, Belinda said, slapping Osaka on the back. It can’t have been easy. And I’d like to see you having to do all your classes in Japanese!

Actually Osaka thought Alicia’d be fine. Alicia’s plenty smart, and she’s been asking Osaka to teach her some Japanese words so she could talk about people without them knowing, like her brothers, or like that Gwendoline sometimes. Gwendoline was the kind of person Osaka had been worried about, who tossed her head and said things about how people should stay in their own countries, but that’s the thing: she’s the only one like that. Alicia said we’re all doomed, but Osaka’s pretty sure she really dodged a bullet, endin’ up here.

[Title] Back to the Wall
[Fandom] Until Dawn
[Rating] PG-13 for threat of death
[Word Count] 344
[Notes/Summary] Emily sees it every time she closes her eyes.

Emily sees it every time she closes her eyes.

You don’t think what it’d be like if someone actually pointed a gun at you. If you ever picture it - which she didn’t, as a rule, it’s not something you think about in day-to-day life, you don’t think about dying at all in day-to-day life (except when you thought about where Hannah and Beth might be, what might have happened to them, whether it’s true that dying of hypothermia feels just like going to sleep -)

If you ever picture someone holding you at gunpoint, you think of it like you’re watching a movie. Someone is holding a gun to someone else’s head, and you’re looking at it straight on. You don’t picture it like your back against a wall, and staring down the barrel and wondering if you’d see the bullet coming towards you before it blew your brains out, and your ex-boyfriend gazing at you from behind the weapon looking white and sick as if someone’s making him do this, as if this is as terrifying for him as it is for you, and you thinking he just needs to pull the trigger and that’s it, he just needs to pull the trigger and that’s it and then thinking like that can’t be real, you can’t die that quickly, it can’t be him making you die -

Every time she closes her eyes.

When they’re open, she can see the way clearly. She can see how stupid she was ever to trust him, or Matt, or anyone. How dumb to put herself in that position where someone can do that to her and she could die in a second and there’s nothing she can do about it. The others would tell her it was a mistake, he didn’t know, he didn’t understand, he was as scared as you. Bullshit. She’s not letting anyone do that to her ever again, starting with him. She tells the cops everything, and she lets them see she was scared, but not how much. She doesn’t tell anyone that.

[Title] Disproportionate Force
[Fandom] Jet Set Radio
[Rating] G
[Word Count] 298
[Notes/Summary] Cube marvels at Onishima's approach to policing.

“You guys,” Cube said, doubling over with her hands on her knees to get her breath back, “You guys are hardcore.”

Gum leant against the wall of the halfpipe and smirks. “Mm, say that again, goth girl.”

“Aren’t we supposed to be the ones with all the guns? Isn’t Japan supposed to be this haven of order and tranquillity? How come you’re the ones who are like, oh, only had to dodge rubber bullets this time, good day?”

“I dunno, because Onishima feels the best way to maintain that order and tranquillity is to send in the dogs and the helicopters?” Gum pushed herself off the wall, rolls gently across the halfpipe. “And, I mean, it hasn’t always been this full-on. This is Rokkaku Group-sponsored policing for the twenty-first century or whatever the hell. So, I mean, if you’d stayed in Grind City you’d probably be putting up with the exact same thing. Just they seem to have started with the assassins and kidnapping with you.”

Cube nodded, pressed her lips together. She rubbed a hand across her forehead, then dusted her palms together. “Guess you’re right.”

“Hey, it means you gotta get good,” Gum said, changing direction, coming to stand in front of her. “You gotta be on point. And you and Combo knocked it out of the park from the moment you got here, so clearly you were doing something right back in Bantam Street.”

“Hey, yeah.” Cube smiled. “I like that way of looking at it.”

“Which means when we find your buddy, he’ll be fine too,” Gum says. “And, I mean, he’s been kidnapped by corporate terrorists. This’ll be a walk in the park for him.” She smiled back. “Come on, let’s get out of here. Onishima’ll probably start carpet-bombing if we stick around.”

[Title] Lies in Two Languages
[Fandom] Death Note
[Rating] PG-13 for sex
[Word Count] 1349
[Notes/Summary] Raito/Gevanni. Gevanni thinks a line has been crossed, but he's not sure where.

I don't blame you for letting people suffer the consequences of their actions

malory towers, battle royale, jet set radio, fanfiction, death note, other movies or books, other anime

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