On the fifth day of Christmas

Dec 30, 2018 15:53

my true love sent to me

five uncertain choices

[Title] The Choices We Made
[Fandom] Death Note
[Rating] G
[Word Count] 601
[Notes/Summary] While they wait for the end of it all, Misa asks Mogi how it started.

I guess that is a real reason

[Title] The Ideal Woman
[Fandom] Azumanga Daioh
[Rating] PG for kissing
[Word Count] 565
[Notes/Summary] Tomo/Yomi. Tomo's got a great idea. Yomi's not convinced.

“I’ve been thinking,” Tomo says, after she’s done eating all Yomi’s snacks and snooping through the photos from first year of college pinned up on the wall.

“Have you.” Yomi doesn’t expect anything good to come from this. It’s Tomo. Come on.

“Like, you said none of these guys -” A casual handwave at the photos - “Are your boyfriend.”

“I… did say that, yeah.” Not what Yomi expected. Maybe she shouldn’t have told Tomo that? But come on, the thought of dating any of the guys on her course or in her halls just seems… dumb. Why would you want to?

“And, I mean, while my figure has only got more perfect since I went to college, if I say so myself -” Tomo smirks down at her chest, which to Yomi looks exactly the same as it did four months ago, not that she’s been looking or anything - “I’m still tragically single, mainly because none of the guys on my course are anything like as awesome and smart as my friends. Which, when you think about Osaka and Kagura, is a pretty low bar to, like, miss, but that’s not the point -”

“What is the point?”

“I think we should make out,” Tomo says, rolling onto her stomach, crawling over to Yomi on her elbows, and widening her eyes in a way which is probably meant to be seductive. “Now. For the good of our friendship.”

“Are you off your head?” Yomi yells, but she can feel she’s turned bright red and - this is typical of Tomo, the girl’s got the emotional nuance of a brick and yet every so often she manages to hit on something that’s actually true - and Yomi thought she’d been doing such a great job of pretending any - any hot and bothered was around Tomo being her usual annoying self -

Tomo, her usual annoying self, doesn’t take it back or look embarrassed or even start blustering, she just looks up into Yomi’s face and smiles sweetly, like she’s presented the perfect argument.

“We are not making out,” Yomi says sternly, even though saying the idea of it out loud makes her blush even more.

“Why not?”


“Because you’re intimidated by my perfect womanly form?” Tomo says. “Because it’ll be your first kiss and you’re shy? Because you’ll think I’ll blab to everyone? I won’t, by the way. Every woman should have an air of mystery around her love life -”


“I just think,” Tomo says, “you’re my best friend, and maybe we should be friends who kiss. I think it’d be fun. If it’s awful, then we can just pretend it never happened.”

It’s already too late. Yomi should’ve got up and walked away. Now she’s considering the idea. She’s considering the idea and… she can’t not, because if she doesn’t do it, then every time she looks at Tomo she’ll be wondering what it might’ve been like. And Tomo is going to be in her life for a while. Tomo has a habit of elbowing her way in and not leaving. Just like she’s doing now.

So they kiss.

It’s not awful.

It’s hot, and damp, and Tomo starts giggling halfway through, which makes it annoying, but it’s definitely not awful. And when they break apart and Tomo says, “Okay, so we’re doing it again, right?”, Yomi doesn’t say, Definitely not, which basically seals it.

[Title] What We Did in the Dark
[Fandom] Death Note
[Rating] PG
[Word Count] 1288
[Notes/Summary] Raito/Ide. It would probably never have happened if they were working on a normal case.

As if his entire life had become the Kira case

[Title] Dollhouse
[Fandom] Until Dawn (with SOME SPOILERS)
[Rating] PG-13 for language, mention of death
[Word Count] 586
[Notes/Summary] Josh knows what's true and what isn't.

Sometimes you can think and think and think and you won’t come up with an answer. Sometimes it takes a shock to get things through your head.

Josh is pretty pleased with the creepy dollhouse. It was Hannah’s, the dollhouse part, and then he ordered the figures themselves online, did a bit of cut-and-dye to make sure everyone had the right hair. Then he’s set them up in the room - took a while to get a little toy video camera but he found a give-away keyring in a drawer, a film festival his dad went to, took the plastic camera off that. Now he’s messing around with fishing wire to try and get the figures to move right. Pain in the ass, he’s got to stoop and his eyes are going weird from squinting at tiny figures, tiny fixtures and fittings, but it’s okay, because he thinks this is going to work out. Earlier, trying to screw one of the cameras to a doorframe, the screws kept popping out and his hands kept shaking, he lost his temper with it, smashed it, had to take a break. He can’t afford to lose his temper, he’s got to keep the party face on until it’s go time. Just like they did with Hannah, made like everything was fine, smiled and smiled and then stabbed her in the back. They called him on that. Not them. Dr Hill called him on it. On saying things like they stabbed her in the back like he knew what had happened. Told him, Josh, that’s conjecture. Josh, you have no reason to believe it happened like that. Josh, if you were a better person, you’d have been conscious and awake when they fucking killed your sisters, but you weren’t, were you, you were passed out drunk, you useless piece of shit -

The thing is that for ages he tried to buy into the lie, that there was nothing he could do, that it was nobody’s fault, that everyone was so sorry, and it never took, you know? It never felt real.

Fishing wire round necks and wrists and foreheads. Pull the strings and turn their heads and make them look you in the eye.

They tell you, as well, that what feels real isn’t real, and he bought into that lie for ages too.

If any adults find out what he’s planning, they’ll tell him he’s delusional, that he doesn’t know what he’s doing, that he’s not in his right mind. He’s not an idiot. That’s why this weekend he’s visiting a friend out of town, packed a bag and bought some chips and beer and took off in one direction and then doubled back. They’ll tell him, your sisters wouldn’t want this, they’ll tell him no one knew it would happen like that, they’ll tell him some of your friends even tried to stop it, or weren’t involved at all, and that’s all true, but it’s a lie at the same time. If it was true, it would feel true, and the actual truth would feel unsafe to stand on, it’d vanish when you looked at it.

It doesn’t vanish. He can look at it head on. A bunch of dolls in a room, going through the motions. He knows what they did, he knows what they’re going to do, he knows what he’s going to do to them. A lot of decisions are difficult, but with this one, he’s never been more certain of anything in his life.

[Title] Arithmetic
[Fandom] Azumanga Daioh / Battle Royale
[Rating] PG-13 for death
[Word Count] 771
[Notes/Summary] The girls have woken up in the worst situation imaginable, and Osaka's never been that good at maths.

Only one person's gonna make it out and she's terrible at running

battle royale, fanfiction, death note, other movies or books, other anime

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