
Sep 20, 2006 14:17

What's happened to me? How did I ever let it get this far?

Why do people lie...or soften it?

I hit the point that i finally realized what had gone on....

Why didn't anyone tell me?...
or did they with comments and questions but i was dense and too lifeless already to have seen...
or did they like me the way i was...
were they too afraid to say something...

How could i be so blind?

Why didn't I care before?

Why don't you care?

Why do you care?
Since when?

Does it even matter?

I remembered muff today...I don't think of her that often..why not?
Is that dwelling? am i trying to forget...would it make me happy?

what do i want?

what makes me happy?


Where did it all come from? Where did it all go?
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