I saw it on sofia-gray's lj and I decide to do this meme on tumblr. So I'll made graphics of my 100 favorite people on my tumblr! ^^' Maybe it will help me with my lack of inspiration!
I was bored tonight so I decided to make a graphic for my Tumblr! Hope you will like it! I really love her hair! I would love to have hair like this!! ^^
I made this graphics for Tumblr!! I can't wait to see the preview of Snow White and the Huntsmanthis! I'm really curious to see Kristen! Let me know how you like my graphic! ^^
BoNNe FêTe KaTrInE!!! J'espère que tu vas passé une super belle journée! J'ai eu le temps de te faire un petit graphique! J'espère que tu vas l'aimer! J'ai hate de te voir! Bisous ♥