Make Me (part 2)

Oct 19, 2005 16:14

Title: Make Me (part 2)

Author: Veronicca05

Beta: the lovely and talented Yogagal

Although it was early October, the sun blared outside the hospital causing the temperature to rise over 80 degrees.  An October heat wave had everyone in a cranky mood.  After a sweltering August and September everyone in New Jersey was anxiously awaiting a fall that seemed to be postponed this year.

“It’s gotta be 90 degrees in here,” Foreman remarked after wiping his forehead for the tenth time.

“Seems the hospital has a policy where they turn off the AC on October 1st,” Cameron sighed.  “I just feel bad for the patients; the rooms are getting really uncomfortable.”

“Well I for one feel bad for me.  How the hell are we supposed to save people if we’re too busy sweating to death?”  Chase chimed in.

Both Cameron and Foreman simultaneously replied with a roll of their eyes.  Lately they had come to the conclusion that if they ignored his childish remarks maybe he’d stop saying them.  So far their efforts had gone unnoticed.

“We should probably take these results right to Dr. House.  All signs point to a clot, we just have to find it.”  Cameron said.

“Looks like you can take the results to House.  Chase and I are both off in 5.”  Foreman answered.

“Fine,” Cameron responded.  “Any big plans this weekend?”

“I have a date tonight but I could always go for drinks tomorrow night.  Interested?”  Foreman questioned.

“Sounds good, I’ll call you.”


“Yes Chase you are invited as well, now let’s get our things before House has us staying until 6.”  That being said Foreman lightly patted Cameron on the shoulder and headed towards the door with Chase following close behind.


If the hospital was 90 degrees then the lab had to be closer to 95.  You’d think it would have to be air-conditioned with all the equipment but Cameron was still fanning herself and wiping sweat from her brow.

Because of House’s behavior over the last few weeks she wasn’t going to offer him test results without confirming them at least three times.  All signs pointed to a clot.  She knew it was located someplace in the brain but it would be up to House to find it.

Looking up she noticed it was close to 6 and her shift was coming to an end.  She would have to give the results to House before she left and she really wasn’t looking forward to it.  Abandoning her white coat in the lab, she walked down the corridor toward House’s office dreading every minute of it.


Cameron hesitated before entering the office.  In the chair that usually occupied her sat Stacy.  Across from her House sat at his desk throwing the lacrosse ball up in the air.  She could hear the insults pass easily through House’s lips, just as easily as the laughter flowed through Stacy’s.  Stacy could take anything he threw at her and right now Cameron was ready to do the same.

She knocked on the glass before entering the office.  House found this odd, as Cameron never knocked before entering the office.

“You see Stacy, your presence seems to be scaring the children.  Young Cameron here is afraid to enter the office.  Why don’t you run off to your domain and make sure all those bad apples are burning for eternity as they should be.”  House quipped.

“I’ll make sure to save you a seat,” she smiled vacating her chair and heading toward the door.  “He’s all yours,” she replied to Cameron, winking as she exited the office.

“When she said I’m all yours she meant in a speaking capacity.  Let’s not get any hokey ideas shall we?”  House related.

“I’m giving you the test results then I’m going home.  I save my ‘hokey’ ideas for those with a pulse,” she replied.

“Ouch.  Is that your way of implying I’m dead inside?  I was only asking about your ‘ideas’ since you felt the need to enter the office without being fully dressed.”

Cameron took a moment to take in her appearance, soon realizing her top button was undone and the lace trimming of her bra was exposed.

“Grow up House.  I was in the lab, it got hot.”

“You sure Chase just didn’t jack the thermostat up himself?  Wait a minute, Chase pretty boy, Foreman larcenous genius.  It was Foreman wasn’t it?”

“All lab results for Mrs. Slater are pointing toward a clot. We know it’s there we just have to find it.”  Cameron, clearly ignoring his comment, was only interested in doing her job and going home.

“So your new tactic is to ignore me?  The silent treatment didn’t hurt me in fifth grade; I don’t know why it should hurt me now.”  House responded, as if never hearing her test results.

“Did you hear what I said?” she asked, clearly becoming annoyed.

“Yes.  Run the tests again.  Let me guess, Chase ran them the first time?”

“Yes.  Then Foreman ran them and after that I ran them as well. We ran them three times House.  There’s no other explanation.”

“Then there’s something else we’re missing.  There’s something else going on here but for now we need to treat the symptoms.”

She was always fascinated by how easily he could turn off the sarcasm and jump into doctor mode.  It was like a switch had been turned on and he had no recollection of the conversation that had taken place before.  Sure he was a sarcastic ass, but he was a sarcastic ass who cared.  No matter how hard she tried to protect herself from him there was always a crack in the wall she had built up around herself.

“First get another MRI, if that shows up clear get her scheduled for a brain biopsy. Have Chase do a more in depth history and have Foreman check out her home.  I wanna know what she’s lying about.”  House continued.

When she didn’t move he narrowed his gaze and gave her a rather squinted look.  “Okay, forget my comment before, I love admiring your beautiful breasts.  Now will you get to work?”  Emphasis on the word now.  He obviously thought this was an urgent matter and was confused by her standing still.

“Actually I’m off now and Chase and Foreman are already gone,” Cameron replied, now blushing after the breast remark.

“Okay then, on your way out just stop in the waiting room and tell Eric Slater that his mom’s dead.  I’m sure he won’t mind that we couldn’t find the time to save her life.”  House answered, twirling his cane before her.

“Fine, I’ll call the guys,” Cameron replied, buttoning up her shirt in the meantime.

“You get the MRI and I’ll take care of the kids.”  After adjusting her vest she nodded in his direction and prepared to exit the office.  She was walking through the door when House spoke up again.  “And Cameron, you might as well leave your shirt unbuttoned.  Looks like we might be here for awhile.”

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