Fic: Anthology, Part V - Head First, Chapter 11 (Veronica, Logan) PG-13

Apr 20, 2008 14:03

Title: Head First, Chapter 11
Author: angst_driven
Pairing/Character: Veronica, Logan, Casey, Keith, Duncan, Dick 
Word Count: 4398
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Finally we're getting to the good stuff...
Spoilers: Futurefic. Possible spoilers for Season 1-3.
Warnings: none

Author's Notes: Thought I'd go ahead and post this before I got back to working on my thesis, but don't go expecting the next chapter to be posted quite as quickly.  I absolutely love Casey in this chapter; hopefully he'll redeem himself in some of your eyes.  
Disclaimer: Most of the charaters and locations don't belong to me (although they did give birth to mine!)

Previous chapters here.

Chapter 11 - Revelations

pg-13, angst_driven, veronica, logan

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