Swept Away 3/7 (L/V, L/H) R

Apr 19, 2008 22:50

Title: Swept Away 3/7
Author: logan_love
Rating: R for language
Spoilers: up to S3 finale, just in case
Summary: And the other part of you wants to believe that if you wish extra hard, Logan won’t love Veronica anymore. 
Characters/Pairings: Logan/Veronica, Logan/Hannah
Disclaimer: They're still all Rob Thomas's...but I borrow them to play sometimes.
Word Count: 1,333

A/N1:Again, I hope you don't hate Hannah in this story. Because as much as I really want her to be a snobbish "princess"...she never really came off as that for me as the viewer. I portrayed her how I saw her. Someone very much worth pitying.
A/N2: It's been longer than I promised! *cowers* I am so so so sorry! This has been sitting on my computer for so long, and I need to post the rest of the story already. Hopefully by the end of the month?


(And the other part of you wants to believe that if you wish extra hard, Logan won’t love Veronica anymore. )

logan_love, r, hannah, veronica, logan

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