Jan 08, 2009 10:46
I knew Big Media would eventually make it rougher for their smaller (and more honest) counterparts to do their jobs, but this takes the cake.
I won't go into details, but suffice it to say this is not the first time I've run into something like this. We're wanting to cover an upcoming event, and the organization has a "media policy" that purports to control the content being broadcast or otherwise coming out of the event - and you have to agree to it in order to cover it. OH HAI, FURST AMEMMENT. Fucking hell. This bullshit was not common practice before Big Media owners started making it OK to suck cock with politicians to get tax breaks and break antitrust regulations so they could buy up more and more little outlets to pad their own pockets.
I hate this profession. I do not want to do it for the rest of my career, what is left of it. Ugh. I need another kind of job when I leave this one in a few years.