my thoughts on wichita.. linebacker? \m/
+ completely unnecessary veronica/logan.
+ piz! (don't give me crap about liking him. i only like him a leeedle bit.) he's like duncan. except cooler. and sort of like leo, but doesn't own a gun but has that mumbly thing going on. and also slightly cuter.
+ dick, randomly being put in. it's great!
+ aw, keith. eating pasta. solving cRiMeZ. ♥
+ more random logan/veronica, that is a total ploy for more viewers but WIN.
+ Random Footballer Guy being tall and sandwiched by two unbelievably short chicks.
+ weevil being good at P.I-ing.
+ veronica dropping the oh-so-subtle signs to that Random Art Dude.
+ déjà vu with the emo musik! (or maybe it's just me.)
+ even more random logan/veronica because they are just that cool.
- ugly sunglasses. veronica needs aviators.
- logan's hair. it's been squashed and turned into a mini comb over.
- why does veronica need a car THAT big? i don't get it.
- Random Football Guy, had the acting skills of a brick wall. he also sounds like that auto-mated-windows-voice thing.
- the dean's a bitch. :(
- arg, logan. gambling? don't do it. you will turn fat, anti-social, aGgReSsIve and an unsurfy boi. chicks don't dig that.
- veronica and logan's had their first Almost Normal Couple Fight and it was a really big let down. WHERE IS THE SHATTERED GLASS AND BLOOD?
- subplot. i give it an F.
- Random Footballer Guy's chucks. they're clean. ew.
= why is weevil 50 pounds rounder? :(
= where is the wallace? there is piz, but no wallace. there is something wrong. and also: THE MAC? THE MUHNEY?
= credit's are still slightly lol-worthy.
= the flash backs are ew. they're orange.. and white. and look kinda dodgy.
= rob thomas' choice of ePiC LoVe's music in the background - i don't like it.