up and down down down

Apr 24, 2008 13:01

So I'm geeked that LOST finally returns again tonight. I hope it lives up to expectations.

On the flip side, I'm sad that we're putting Jack to sleep today. Or more precisely our Aunt is. We won't even get a chance to say goodbye to her. I feel bad that her last few months were without us and she probably felt like we abandoned her. We felt like it would be better for her to live with our Aunt in NY than to force her to go through two cross-country moves, but it seems like that just stressed her out and made things worse for her. Of course, there's no guarantee that the same thing wouldn't have happened if we brought her with us, but if she was with us, we might've known something was seriously wrong soon enough to do something for her. Now she's just ... gone. W was doing ok yesterday, but this morning she broke down at the gym. I feel so bad for her, I know this is really upsetting her. I'm sad, too, but it isn't affecting me like it is her. At least she was able to sleep last night.

loss, w, cats, jack, lost, feline leukemia, guilt, death

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