My floor is riddled, I can't be bothered with it, flashing tape should sort something out.
The hole seems ok.
I "clean it up".
I have another floor, which might be transferable.
In the mean time, screw it, some layers of flashing tape looking all pro like underneath, tucking it in place.
A Magura brake backing plate of some sort.
Shape it slightly so it is bowed.
Place lovingly in the contours of the shit.
Cover with the other sort of flashing tape which is aluminium and covered in tar.
Solid as fuck.
Get on with something else. Brake bleeding, basically. Of course the ones I have rebuilt are lovely to operate, and the rear wheel bleeder is frozen solid.
I bust out one of my special moves, using another spanner as extra length and leverage on the small one.
The bleed nipple is also fatter than the front ones. A hose adaptation is required.
We have bubbles. So many bubbles.
3.45pm touchdown. With radiator in place and everything.
And despite being on the charger for several hours, it is too flat to start, and I am pissed off I didn't just hook it up first thing in the morning. It's two batteries. Unsurprise.
No sneaky drive up and down the street for me!