Nov 29, 2009 18:44
Bleh, so a couple of weeks ago I finally went to the stupid dentist. Turns out the pain was mostly my first three cavities! That was by far one of the most unpleasant experiences ever. They still said I needed my wisdom teeth out though, so that was last week. I applied for a credit and I gots it, so I'm paying it off a little at a's just bad timing what with xmas and my first time having to pay for rent, but I'll make do...somehow. Anywho, the procedure was freaky! At least for the first three minutes before I was put to sleep. There was no possible way I could have been conscious during that. Even knowing I was going to be snoozing through it all gave me a panic attack. I don't really remember leaving the dentist's office afterwards and getting me meds at work was a blur but when I got back to the apartment, that's when the pain started. The following week was just bad. My cheeks were big puffball, no food of subsistence could be consumed, and then there's that little factor of the pain. I had vicodin but it pretty much made me pass out. Tommy was my caretaker throughout it all, he was the bestest person ever and I love him. (: I did enjoy staying at home though, no work and no school was so nice! Hopefully next time it'll be a pain-free vacation. So here I am a week later, still attempting to chew on soft boring food I've been eating all week and popping pain pills. Moral of the story kids: just don't get your wisdom teeth pulled, live with the extra teeth in your mouth.