May 29, 2008 15:54
Wow, I was rereading my earlier livejournals and I can't believe how emo and annoying I was. It's weird to see how much I've changed too. I can't believe I've had one of these things for 4 years....time goes by fast it seems like. The school semester's already over, that's so crazy. I think it all went by fast because of all the subtle and the not-so-subtle changes that have happened. Lately people have been telling me that I sound different or I've given them a reaction that they weren't expecting and they ask me what's changed, what's different. I think it's that I've changed in the way I deal with situations. All that crap you hear all the time about letting things go and not dwelling blah blah blah actually works. And you're like a happier person for it. How strange is that? I'm feeling in a very zoned-out mood now. Bad bad bad! I'm supposed to be studying for that eeeevil tech test. I get distracted way to easily lately. I'm so done with books and notes right now. This whole post is completely retarded and only because I'm avoiding it, plus I just feel like typing, typedy type type type....Did you know that you can say stuff with only ones and zeros?