18. The meaning behind your blog name
I have this as a line in the sticky note on both journals, but whatever. So. This was around... senior year of high school or maybe the year after that? So I was 18 or 19, and trying to figure out a new username that my family didn't know. I know this is going to shock you all, but when I was a teenager I was an angst bunny. XD And being the angst bunny that I was, I took one of my most prominent feelings at the time- that I was lost- and put it into a translator to see what came up. I decided that the Dutch "verloren" sounded the coolest, so that was my new username (I discovered later that it also means the same in German). I've often had to add some version of my birth year to it because usually just verloren is taken.
Honestly? I've thought about changing it. I really have. But for one thing, it's too much work to change my username or get a new account EVERYWHERE, and also... this is the name everyone knows. I half suspect that even if I changed it, everyone would still call me "Ver" anyway. So then the point is what, exactly? XD
☁ Watched ParaNorman today. I wasn't really expecting to like it, but it was cute. ^_^
☁ The 1am thing yesterday didn't happen- I'm hoping for today- but it was in the interest of a good cause, hopefully. I uh, kind of realized yesterday that I have NO online presence as a writer, at least nothing that's semi-professional (and by semi-professional, I mean not fanfic or a personal journal like this, at least. My standards are not terribly high for "semi-professional." XD). So. I figured that I should probably work on that. It can't HURT, at any rate. I apparently made a Wordpress account at some point, so I used that to make a new blog and put up a post on it.
Here we go. Mainly it's going to be video game reviews, I think, and gaming topics in general, because that's a pretty reliable source of material. And because my dream job basically involves me wearing jeans and a t-shirt to work and getting paid to play games and write about them. XD Not that there aren't a million gaming blogs already, BUT this will be a kind of online sample that I can use. Probably. If I don't stop poking at the writing, anyway. I'm hoping for a once a week schedule, but we'll see. I think by now we all know how things with me and planning go. XD
This has been crossposted to my DW account. You are free to comment either here or
there, if you'd like to comment. Preferably here, but it doesn't really matter. Whichever one works for you. :D