Well. Today totally SUCKED.
- Had a guy hand me a $100 bill that seemed off, then failed the counterfeit marker test. :/ Cops were called, turns out that the bill was legit. Guh. Apparently, on old bills, the marker doesn't always work right. (I've never ever seen it not work, but whatever.) It's like... okay, so the really old 100's don't have the security measures that the newer ones do, so really the only way to test them is to use the marker. But if you can't trust the marker, then what? O_o I know I did the right thing, but I still feel bad, both for the cops that had to come out and for the customer that was held up a good half hour because of it. The really sucky part is that there's absolutely nothing I can do to prevent it from happening again, because it's not like I did anything wrong that needs to be fixed.
- Psychobitch is at it again. I'm not sure how much I've actually mentioned her, but she's one of the two people at work that I continually have problems with. She has ALWAYS acted like she's better than me, has always acted like she knew more about the lab than I did (unless, of course, she didn't want to do something, in which case I was conveniently the expert). I'd like to point out, by the way, that she DOESN'T know more than I do. Aside from the sheer amount of time spent in the lab, some of the shit she pulls? Yeah. She constantly moves things around under the guise of "cleaning" but ignores orders that are due. Which of course, taking care of customers should ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS come first. (Here's a hint that she doesn't actually clean- she has never ONCE bothered to sweep the floor. Wouldn't that be a part of cleaning? She just compulsively moves things. Usually the same things, every single shift.) Every time I come in when she's worked photo in the morning, I steel myself for having to deal with a lot of bullshit. Orders that came in at 8, due a half hour after I come in, and haven't even been started, that kind of thing. Now she's being bitchy at me in the logs because she's "always cleaning up after me." Um. No. She "cleans" because the voices in her head tell her to, it has nothing to do with me. I could leave the lab sparkly clean and she would still be "cleaning" the next day. She cycles on two phases- the OCD phase where she's constantly moving everything around and bitching about no one else cleaning, and the "I don't care" phase where she just throws everything everywhere and leaves it that way for the next person to deal with. I have come in to the lab looking like a bomb went off in it more than once. Aside from that, as far as the night in question that I left the lab a mess? The only thing I left was a newspaper SHE had left torn apart behind the counter. No, I didn't touch it. I left her a note back, using the same passive aggressive wording and tone- "Please clean up after yourself. :)" And yes, the smilie was originally something she put too. Nice, right?
In addition to the fact that she shut the lab down an hour early last night- WHEN I WAS THE PHOTO TECH. MY LAB. NO TOUCHIE. In addition to the fact that she left me with a god damn mess yesterday, as per usual. In addition to the fact that she's gotten one of her friends hired, who is now the "favorite" and gets to do whatever the hell she wants (as in, not ringing), even though she's only been there about a month. The girl seems nice enough, but the fact that she's friends with Psychobitch doesn't speak well of her. And she keeps doing shit like trying to mess with my signs and YELLING to Jeremy across the front store when she's directly behind me, when I'm trying to listen to a customer. I'm really trying very hard not to hate her guts, but it's not working that well.
And just think, that's a brief synopsis and not even close to half of the shit Psychobitch has pulled. Before anybody says anything, I've tried talking to supervisors about it. Every time I try, I get blown off.
Oh yeah, and she's apparently going to be a shift supervisor soon. -_- Which means my life is about to become complete and utter hell. She already thinks she has some sort of authority over me. She already thinks she's too good to ring register and always manages to leave me stuck up front while she flits around the store trying to look busy while she doesn't do anything. It's going to get ugly at work. Really ugly. I would go ahead and quit in protest if I could afford to. I think I need to start putting in applications places. Dave and I have already both said that god help her if she tries to tell us to do anything, because we're not doing it. I don't respect her as a COWORKER, much less a supervisor. Hell, most of the time I'm not sure I respect her as a human being. She's in for a rude awakening if she thinks I'm going to listen to a god damn thing she has to say.
That's assuming I don't snap her stupid neck first.
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