Questions Meme

Aug 21, 2010 13:28

My friend caffyolay tagged me with this, so here I am.

And here are the people I tag: serenasnape, poodlemama, lanitha, mosinging1986, and anyone else who wants to play!

What song are you currently addicted to?

I love "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga. That, and my other musical addiction as of late is "Hey Soul Sister" by Train. Go figure.

What's your favourite season?
Like Cath, it has to be autumn. Cooler weather, my birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, back to school, leaves crunching under foot, getting dark earlier, the smells of fall--cinnamon, pumpkin, candy corn, vanilla. It's magical!

What’s the latest movie you watched?
Vampires Suck yesterday--as a Twilight fan, I laughed my not-so inconsiderable rear end off.

What is the one skill you wish you had?
I really wish I could sing!

What’s your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Twilight all the way, but HP will get revved up again with the onset of Deathly Hallows.

What's your favorite musical instrument?
Piano, guitar

What web sites do you always visit when you go online?
Livejournal, Facebook, Twitter, Twilight Moms, Amazon, Twilight Lexicon,

What was the last thing you bought?
Halloween and general fall crafting supplies at Michael's (a craft/hobby/decor store here in the States)

If you won 10,000 bucks today, what would you do with it?
Pay a few bills and buy my tix to England

Favourite time of day?
early evening; settling in for the night (if I'm at home).

What's the last thing that made you happy?
I'm happy most of the time--life's too short to be miserable. Most happy--with a good book, hooking up with old friends, when I'm traveling to see good friends
; on a beach, or anywhere in nature enjoying the beauties of this world. Remembering happy times with my family.

Do you want to learn another language?
Not now--I'd like a chance to use my French from high school & college more.

Five things you can’t live without.
My cats. Friends. Reading material and music. PC. God/faith/church (in some form).


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