Dec 07, 2009 13:22
I guess you can tell I'm feeling better! Whew--and just in time, too.
So, let's see--a cookie swap Saturday night (I tried out a new recipe, Chocolate Mint Dreams), and Friday morning I went to an inner-city school here in Memphis to read a story about sharing and helping others to a kindergarten class. I was waiting in the classroom when the teacher brought all the kids in, and 2 little ones ran right up to me and hugged the stuffing out of me--I loved it! Those children are so starved for affection.
I wore a shirt with a Santa, reindeer and snowman shaped like stars, and snowman earrings. The kids loved the snowmen as much as the story! They were so eager to hear me read--and it made me so happy. :) Each child got a couple of gifts to keep--a book (Sponge Bob, Bob the Builder, or Disney princesses), along with what passes for an Etch-a-Sketch these days.
Then today was Free Coffee Monday at my home church, so I wore my Santa hat to give out coffee. No strings attached--just a neat way to wish people well, and start their day off with a smile.
Last night I went with a couple of friends to see Starry Nights--a huge electric light display in Shelby Farms, a large park/nature preserve in eastern Shelby County. It was amazing to see all the lights and hear the Christmas music along with the light show.
All my international cards are off--out of town ones are the next wave. Wheeeeee--I love Christmas--and boy, has it felt like it here--freezing most of last week and still cold today!
starry nights,
cookie swap,
free coffee monday,
story time,
cold weather,