But I can't help it, it's the only way to purge it out of my brain
I could say a lot of things about this episode, a lot of them would not be nice but I'm just going to stick to a few salient points...
You've left an helicopter in the Late Cretaceous (really looking forward to some paleontologist finding it next to the Giganotosaurus' fossils)
You've *finally* taken care of the sodding journalists (D notice would have been too easy Jenny wouldn't it?)
We saw Dave again! YAY
How bad is it that the journalists going *splat* and Dave were the best points of the episode?
Ok no, I lie. All the scenes with Lester were awesome and I am intrigued by the Christine plotline. Also Connor broken.. definitely not going to turn that down.
The rest.. please please people start *thinking* before you write?
On the other hand, we have someone turning into a giant mutated mushroom next week so I don't think that's very likely going to happen.