this week and other things.

Jul 31, 2004 00:41

it has been a strange week with strange people.

that was an accurate, yet very vague statement. i will expand.

both bob and dave are out of town. chesla can never play. also out of town is laura mason.

as such, barthel and i have been left to eachother.... which can't work out all the time because his ass works till seven or eight every night... and gets paid about four times more than me...

basically, i have been left to hang out with a ton of randome people.
the beginning of the week was mostly hanging out with ruthie... which was fun and kinda crazy... some things managed to do included watching movies.... like 'confessions of a teenage drama queen' and 'tron'... also i met two of her friends named ryan and krista... they seemed nice, so did barthel's roomate rob... who just turned 21, doesn't really drink that much and is a co-owner of a keggerator (with barthel)...

then on some other night i went over to ryan's house (the kid who i had just met) and took katie moses... ryan and a ton of other people (including the younger sister of brentraimaker) watche 'the shawshank redemption' which, though a good movie, bore no interest to i played apples to apples

the game was with ruthie, cyn, aubrey, katie moses and myself... we played till ten, but after you got ten, you went back to zero so that everyone could have a chance to be a winner... i won third. ruthie won last.
apparently, i made a fool of myself because i couldn't deal with being near aubrey, who i've had a crush on since high school... plus she's got a cool ear piercing, a nose piercing, curly dark hair and works for the DNC.... that's just amazing.... so i have no regrets... if i see her again, it will undoubtably be more of the same.

the next night barthel and i went to callie's house... it was really weird because i didn't know anyone there so i went to ruthie's house where i knew about half the people... they watched 'lock stock' i went home... i was tired.

tonight was more of the same as anna thomas came over... she helped dress me and i ironed and sewed a button back on to my shirt (my dad said i was very domestic... i took it as a compliment)... then we went to dinkytown and met katie d... she had organized a dinner thing where we were all supposed to dress up... it was very nice... she was there with her friends jesse, leesha and emily (who is her roomate)... they all have livejournals so i will reserve judgements for in private with friends. i will say they all looked awesome especially jesse in the dark denim... i'm sure i acted like more of a fool as i did above but we won't get into that.

so we ended up in uptown i had a six dollar ceasar salad, it was good, not six dollars good, but good...

all in all it has been strange but amazing.... i'm glad for all the people i've met and gotten to see they have, by and large, been super really mega rad, so to everyone i just met this week, thanks for playing with me, i'm sorry for acting like an idiot, but i don't usually play well with others...

cheers and goodnight.
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