Apr 01, 2009 12:39
Well, I'm finally going to the doctor to find out whether I have a heart and/or lung condition. I wrote a big long entry detailing my symptoms a while back...trouble breathing/pain/etc. whenever I exert myself (running, riding a bike, things like that).
All thanks to mom of course, who called her doctor (who actually gives breaks to people who don't have insurance!) and made me an appointment. His prices are reasonable for physicals and x-rays; if I end up referred to a specialist, who knows.
But it's worth it to find out whether there might be something seriously wrong with me.
Of course I hope there isn't, but it's not something that affects my daily life either way...I just want to know about it...what precautions I need to take, etc. I didn't realize that heart murmurs run rampant in my family. Not only does mom have one - so did aunt Cindy and aunt Lynn. It was actually a risk factor during their pregnancies.
I also found out that cervical cancer (the kind not caused by HPV) runs in my family, which is scary. As long as I continue to get my yearly exams and let my doctors know there's family history, I should be alright.
Enough medical hoo-hah. I've got things to do!
state of being