That's 6.5 miles. Which is awesome. :D

Sep 01, 2009 19:13

Watched a few episodes of the animated continuation of the original series. Ooommmggg, I thought the original budget was awful. I like how they just cut Chekov's character all together so they wouldn't have to pay his actor. It's kind of terrible, but hilarious. They apparently wanted to cut Uhura and Sulu, too, but Nimoy threatened to quit if they... you know, cut ALL THE MINORITIES. Wtf, people. Scotty was apparently never in danger of being cut, which seems strange to me since he seems like an obvious choice just because he's generally not on the bridge, so it'd be less noticeable to have him not there. Whereas cutting Uhura and Sulu is super noticeable because they're in every scene. Uh. Yeah. 70s. Yay racism. Yay Nimoy for being all "fuck you guys. D:"

At any rate, my suspicions that Spock was exaggerating the size of his pet teddy bear thing's fangs was apparently correct, since we get backstory episode and we see it. And uh, subsequently kinda kill it. Poor teddy bear. Poor tiny Spock. Poor not tiny Spock. Poor space time continuum. Poor my brain because that time travel concept was fucking retarded. They're lucky it was Spock backstory or else I would rage quit. >>;

New work schedule is out, which is awesome. 8D Next week I'm put down as only having 4 hours, but uh... I'm scheduled for 6.5. Technically 7.5 since I'm saying fuck it to my normal MWF lunch time and taking over that slot. 7.5 still kinda sucks, but it's way better than 4. The library's closed for a lot of next week, so no one really seems to have any hours. The week after has me slated to work the same schedule I have this week, so I guess that'll be normal now. Good deal, since that's 12.5 hours. Which is more than everyone else is getting. 8D Hopefully she wont change that since I'll be officially scheduled for that one slot now. Don't think it'll be a problem, though.

Gym today was productive. Tried the cycling machines. They burn less calories, but work muscles I don't use as much, so it's a good deal. Did 5 miles on that and then used the tread climber for 1.5 miles and wound up burning the same amount of calories I normally do, and in the same amount of time. And thus, I win.

I did some pretty decent in-class doodles today. Face shape was liking me. 8D As were chibis. A little odd since those are things that tend to fuck me over whenever I'm just randomly doodling, but hey. Not complaining. It's a nice change from the recent "Huh, I can draw awesome face shapes with my right hand randomly, but everything done with my left hand sucks. Wtf."

I should be doing Anth. Econ. readings and CC2 homework. I technically AM doing CC2 homework, just not the parts of it I really ought to be doing, which is why I wanted to get this emotion log thing done earlier because it gives me the illusion of being productive with minimal effort. D:

exercise, work, school, star trek

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