Blargh, still sick. D: Feeling a bit better, my throat's not as sore, and my head isn't killing me quite as much, but the headache didn't come until later in the day yesterday anyway. :/ So I dunno.
Woke up at 7:00, which sucked. x.X; Wasn't horribly tired just... yeah, needed more sleep than that. :/
Really didn't want to go to Macro today, but he was supposed to hand back tests, so I had some vague amount of motivation. :/ I guess it was worth it, in the long run. Did horribly on the test, but that doesn't surprise me.
Anyhow, the real point is that Cullen picked a bad day to be full of shit. ... Well, to be fair, that's a key aspect of his identity, so he's full of shit every day. But still. I'm in a crappy mood, so he has to deal with it. :D
Yeah. It was amazing. Our tests sucked, he's not curving them because he's an ass, even though he mentioned he would, and none of it made sense anyway. So this girl starts ranting about how he doesn't teach, and therefore doesn't prepare us for the tests, and it was an amazing thing. We should have applauded.
Anyhow, she finishes, and we're all inspired, so Shaun, Ashley and I just take the ball and run with it. So we get into this big argument with him about whether his tests are full of shit or not. It was wonderful. He doesn't get it, of course, but it was nice to waste HIS time instead of the other way around. A full hour of yelling at him. It was like revenge. We should spend the first hour of class yelling at him more often.
So yeah. We were mostly ranting about how his test questions are horribly phrases. This is how he writes his tests:
1. A cat is:
A) A furry, four-legged animal.
B) A feline.
C) Not a dog.
2. A dog is:
A) A canine.
B) An animal known for playing fetch.
C) Not a cat.
So you're kind of sitting there going "Well, not a dog is pretty damned vague, but these are all right. I guess I'll go with feline, since it's more specific. And so I'll also go with canine for the next one." Whereas by his logic, the OBVIOUS answer to #1 is C, and the answer to #2 is clearly A. Nevermind that it's the same question twice, so for consistency's sake, the answer should be similar both times. Nooo, that would make SENSE.
So we call him on this, and he's all "Well, sometimes the questions can be worded in a confusing manner, but this is to get you to think about the question!" ... because, you know, there's so much to think about for "a cat is:". So he keeps admitting that the wording sucks for the questions, but he doesn't seem to understand that that's A BAD THING. He seems to think being full of shit is a teaching method or something.
But, I had fun. "Well, the questions are worded kind of confusingly, but--" "So, that's obviously a problem with the test, not us. If the questions don't make any sense, how are we supposed to all decide that one answer is the right one? We're all going to interpret it differently because all the answers are right." "But you have to pick that answer that best fits!" "If they're all 100% right, then THERE IS NO BEST FITTING ANSWER."
Yeah. He didn't get it, and basically got to the point where he was just laughing at us for disagreeing with him, so we accomplished nothing other than wasting an hour of class. But it was nice wasting that hour on our own terms instead of his.
It was also amazing watching the class size dwindle as time went on. A lot of people showed up to pick up their tests, and left immediately afterwards. Others left after he started class after we were done yelling at him. Then there were a few who just go up in the middle of lecture and walked out. One girl even smiled at him when he watched her leave.
I really wanted to walk out too, but my scantron got messed up and marked me wrong for answers I actually got right. D: So I had to make him fix that.