Jul 14, 2005 01:24
so this evening while keith, kevin, and i were enjoying a deliciously greasy meal at steak-n-shake, these three middle-age-ish guys came in and sat near us. Now I realize that because of appearance people are inclined to make ignorant comments about it, but usually one or two is plenty. It's annoying when the conversation about it lasts upwards of five minutes with ignorant comments about hair painting and other general nonsense. So these guys were sitting there, just making ignorant comments and it was getting really old. Finally I turned around and was like "you know, you guys are really ignorant and immature sitting there and talking about our appearance for so long" and then one of the guys said something and i was like "well, you've been sitting there talking about us since you came in" and the other guy is like "well, i didn't realize i was talking that loud" and i was like "yeah, some of us have ears that work pretty well" and then he didn't say anything. that's right, i don't take no crap!
in other news, i got a free willy wonka ringtone. heck yes!
and the kitchen is almost clean!
And it's my brother's birthday and Bastille Day