Jul 13, 2005 01:38
just got done processing two rolls of negatives in my new darkroom! huzzah! it was exciting and very frustrating. I didn't know if they were going to turn out because the chemicals were a bit past their 6 month shelf life. Also, I'm used to using a D76 developing agent and the developer I got from Ryan's wife was microdol-x. it was also frustrating because I haven't had access to a darkroom for more than a year so i had to keep checking on dilution ratios on the internet to make sure i was getting everything right. So after I got them all finished, I realized that I wish I had some photo-flo and a proper film washer, two things i will surely invest in. The developer wasn't as strong as I thought, and the negatives came out very light. I'll probably have to over-expose and dodge and burn when I get in the darkroom to make prints and see what I can come up with. I'm also not too sure about air-drying the negatives so I found a website that shows you how to make a film dryer with a blow-dryer and some pvc pipe. The only thing about that is that the negatives are dried on the reels so they'll be curled when I sleeve them, but I'm pretty sure I can flatten them out...yarg! It's hawt in hurrrr...
p.s. keith and i went to new life today to talk tatoos with jeromey. he's going to draw them up and then when keith and i both have an ample supply of money, we're going to get tattooed together, because we're hardcore like that. word.
p.p.s. last night when keith got off work, it was pouring but we went to meijer to get some chips. it was slippery and i was wearing traction-less flip flops. i slipped, became airborne and landed on my tailbone. it hurts. it hurts to walk, it hurts to sit down, there are giant bruises on my ass. disASSterous