Mar 09, 2006 07:58
Well, I'm home. All went of without a hitch, unless you count leaving your passport and tickets in the bathroom at then JFK and then having them miraculously returned to you as a hitch, I certainly don't. (Amanda-they didn't ask for the Sberbank dollar and they didn't find my vodka!)
I'm tired of waking up at 6:30 and being a complete wreck by 9:30.
I shoveled a hell of a lot of snow yesterday in a failed attempt to free my car. We got the red car out of the barn because it was parked in front of my car. That thing's amazing, those tires have NO TREAD. I think I pushed it up the hill myself. Then we got my car out with no problem, but halfway up the road got it stuck on a drift. I shoveled for about two hours, but nothing. Jim says today we need to crawl under the car and try to get the snow out that way. My back hurts, but it's a good hurt. I sort of like shoveling snow.
Right now I have no attention span for TV, but I've been reading a lot. I like it.