I just had a lovely, if short, weekend in with the Gentleman Caller. Once again we didn't manage to leave the apartment except for one grocery trip (one day I will See the City and possibly even Meet People. It's probably not going to be soon though).
Instead we did all the rope. There's the event at the end of February, and one of the things that I was cautious about was that I've never done more than 2 suspensions in an evening. I didn't know how I'd handle things. But over Saturday and Sunday we did 6 suspensions, and not one of them was really easy so I think I can handle it.
I did have problems with numb bits for the two suspensions on the first day, I think it was because my arms were kind of stiff, so instead of squishing, the muscles moved more as a single mass and were more likely to impinge nerves.
First we did a run of a modification on our 'standard' performance transition suspension. This time instead of starting the inversion segment with my legs up straight (thus requiring a bit of care because of height), then folding them in, we think we'll start with them folded in and then straighten them out after the flip. This one caused a bit of nerve tingling in my right hand, but the tension gets let off as soon as the inversion happens (and thus typically fixes all problems) so we worked with it. It was a nice suspension though. Hanging from two futomomo is so much easier than hanging from two ankles ;)
Then we did a little basic suspension, just to check my flexibility. It looks a lot like the yoga pigeon pose (the part where you're sitting up). Except the extended 'back' leg is pointing at the ceiling, so everything's rotated 90 degrees. I just barely got up before I had to call it due to numb thumb, the other arm this time.
The next day we started with a mean partial-suspension predicament bondage thing than turned into a full suspension. That was a lot of fun, but I bruised my one forearm, as it was the only leverage point I had. I was expecting the bruise to be rather significant today, but I guess the ice (even though I put it on in the evening, hours later) helped a lot.
The then we did a nice little suspension based off the tie that I did with someone else at a party (awesome experience!). It was nice because it didn't require the arm/chest harness, and was pretty easy, so after 3 rather challenging ones, it was something I could stay in for a while and just enjoy. He got a new swivel for the suspension rig so I could spin and spin and spin :) when it slowed down it felt like rocking, particularly with my eyes shut. The suspension was sideways, with two ropes worth of wraps around my torso and the main suspension line (off the hips) so it was a lot like a hammock. My hands were tied to my head, so I was essentially in the traditional sleepy pose and it was lovely.
Fifth suspension was another flexibility test, this time a side suspension with the top leg vertical (instead of before where it was a face down suspension). That was a really fun one. First the challenging of getting the leg straight up, then the ropey play that came after. I had a chest harness, a little basic hip harness, and ankle ropes on. He got my leg up, then removed the suspension line from the lower leg and turned that into just a futomomo (the suspension like was required to get the other leg up because it's really hard to be flexible when you're also trying to carry weight in that limb, having the other ankle to leverage and push off of meant I could get the top leg up higher).
Then I asked if he could lower the chest harness/torso a bit and he lowered a bit a bit more and then I asked if this would support an inversion (letting the chest harness off entirely) and we discovered that yes it would. Then he lowered the hip/leg down again so it repeated the initial shape, then dropped my torso again, and then repeated the hip lowering. I really liked the progression in and out of the shapes.
I would go like
vertical leg, horizontal torso
to vertical leg, torso on a downward angle
Then my vertical leg would be lowered to break that long line
And then my hips lowered to recreate the initial shape
And then repeat until my torso was on the floor, and my leg was straight up in the air.
It was a lot of fun.
Last one we did was one that had been on my bucket list for a while. It was a single leg futomomo suspension (see
here under futomomo shibari for images (warning: naked women). It is intense, as that's a lot of pressure on not much rope, plus there's more movement than other suspension because of the shape of the leg. It was good though. very good and very glad I managed to achieve it :D
So there was lot of rope drunkenness, and giggling and laughing (why are my panties so complicated!) and we ate good food and watched Sherlock and had all sorts of cuddles and awesomeness.
And I know I can do 4 suspensions in 12 hours, after having done 2 the night before, so I feel more confidant about the performance :)
(assuming we get in)
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