Aug 03, 2012 13:00
It's this funny thing, right? We all have it and we all change it in varying ways over time or to suit a particular fic or when reading someone else's interpretation. Often, though, I find myself realising I have a head canon I didn't know was there, or I knew it was there, but I'd never really articulated it to myself.
What's y'all's take on head canon? Do you have it? Do you know you have it? How do you form it? Is it gradual, is it a flash of lightning/epiphany thing? Is it seeing other people's work and knowing that's not it?
For the Five-0 fans among you: what bits of head canon do you have for our beloved characters that are different, interesting, something you just discovered, something you've thought since day one, exactly contrary to fandom or utterly what fandom thinks, too?
And, just for fun: ask me about my head canon for our characters. Free for all, hit me.
(In the interest of making this enjoyable and accessible for everyone, including yours truly, who is a massive spoilerphobe, please keep the discussion spoiler free. Thanks.)
Quick terminology guide for newbies, n00bs, and the non-fannish:
head canon (also, mynon): ideas you have about a character that are not necessarily born out by canon or derived from direct reference in canon.
fanon: general ideas about a character that are not supported by canon, or have only one supporting incident in canon, that are widely believed or accepted in fandom as "fact".
canon: that which we see in the source material. Does not include statements made by actors/producers.
aloha means a million things,
zeh flist,
curiosity killed the cat (nine lives),
mystery that is fandom,
box of light and colours,
me and my opinions