In this scenario, killing off a character is being marketed as a "watch our show and see who bites it!", and I don't like that kind of strategy. There's a number of flaws with the strategy that I can see off-hand:
If the Doctor dies, he'll have to regenerate. Moff already hired Matt Smith this past year. It would be stupid to burn through a regeneration this quickly, and Matt Smith is actually enjoyable to watch. There's going to be a period of adjustment to a new Doctor, but on the whole, I'm sure that curiosity about what kind of man Eleven is is going to outweigh any resentment for Ten dying.
Not only that, but if you kill the Doctor permanently, you have no show. Moff could not possibly be that stupid.
If Amy dies, Moff is going to lose a huge number of people because she is a strong female protagonist (quadragonist?) who doesn't play the damsel in distress. I'm betting there's a legion of little girls who want to be as awesome as Amy. (I have trouble with the character myself, but I want to see how the character develops before writing her off.)
If Rory dies, you're beating a dead horse. Not only did Rory die last season, he was apparently written out of existence, only to reappear as a robotic Roman centurion who watched over the Doctor's perfect trap for more than two thousand years. We've already had the emotional rollercoaster of Rory dying. Doing it again turns him into the Zombie Boyfriend or something.
If River Song dies, there's a great big plothole. She dies in "Forest of the Dead", and is then uploaded onto a computer. (I haven't seen it, largely because I had trouble with Ten in general.) If she dies permanently before she dies in "Forest", then who the hell is dying in "Forest"? In her chronology, she's somewhere in the middle of her association with the Doctor, whereas the Doctor is still getting to know her. We haven't seen her meet the Doctor for the first time (man, that's going to be so odd when we see it), so we've still got a way to go with River.
So? I'm thinking that Rory might die. Again. Or, Moff might be stupid enough to shoot himself in the foot and kill off Amy.
Re: Comment (2/2)verasteineApril 6 2011, 17:13:05 UTC
I'm not familiar with Who pre-Nine, so I can't comment on past character deaths. But yeah, the way you reason it out are roughly my thoughts too: the only really expendable character is Rory, and we've expended him already, so... what's the point of doing that again? Besides which, I'd just like a reasonably happy Who series where the drama is achieved by something other than death.
In this scenario, killing off a character is being marketed as a "watch our show and see who bites it!", and I don't like that kind of strategy. There's a number of flaws with the strategy that I can see off-hand:
If the Doctor dies, he'll have to regenerate. Moff already hired Matt Smith this past year. It would be stupid to burn through a regeneration this quickly, and Matt Smith is actually enjoyable to watch. There's going to be a period of adjustment to a new Doctor, but on the whole, I'm sure that curiosity about what kind of man Eleven is is going to outweigh any resentment for Ten dying.
Not only that, but if you kill the Doctor permanently, you have no show. Moff could not possibly be that stupid.
If Amy dies, Moff is going to lose a huge number of people because she is a strong female protagonist (quadragonist?) who doesn't play the damsel in distress. I'm betting there's a legion of little girls who want to be as awesome as Amy. (I have trouble with the character myself, but I want to see how the character develops before writing her off.)
If Rory dies, you're beating a dead horse. Not only did Rory die last season, he was apparently written out of existence, only to reappear as a robotic Roman centurion who watched over the Doctor's perfect trap for more than two thousand years. We've already had the emotional rollercoaster of Rory dying. Doing it again turns him into the Zombie Boyfriend or something.
If River Song dies, there's a great big plothole. She dies in "Forest of the Dead", and is then uploaded onto a computer. (I haven't seen it, largely because I had trouble with Ten in general.) If she dies permanently before she dies in "Forest", then who the hell is dying in "Forest"? In her chronology, she's somewhere in the middle of her association with the Doctor, whereas the Doctor is still getting to know her. We haven't seen her meet the Doctor for the first time (man, that's going to be so odd when we see it), so we've still got a way to go with River.
So? I'm thinking that Rory might die. Again. Or, Moff might be stupid enough to shoot himself in the foot and kill off Amy.
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