Contains a Spoiler!leaper182April 5 2011, 12:38:07 UTC
Ever since people started mentioning just exactly what River Song is to the Doctor, I kind of figured something was going to happen. Then again, I just remembered that apparently she dies in a Tenth Doctor episode, so I guess she's safe.
I think the trouble with death being edgy is that Moff seems to have selective amnesia. He's already killed Rory once. If he turns into the Amazing Zombie Boyfriend Husband, it's really going to lose its impact very quickly.
Re: Contains a Spoiler!verasteineApril 5 2011, 12:42:43 UTC
Death being edgy is really not that true, for me. Death isn't edgy; it's destructive. When done well, it's emotional and sweeping and important, but when death is used to a shock effect, to demonstrate how far producers are willing to go -- nah. I'm not going to stick around to be shocked and appalled.
And yes, re. selective amnesia. That definitely also. It gets old, and it's not like he's going to kill Amy (knock on wood.)
Another problem with "death is edgy" is that so many different shows have done it that now it's become, "If everyone was jumping off a cliff, would you do it too?" There's been a number of shows I've watched where characters were killed off for dramatic effect. Hell, I've seen fanfics where the same exact thing happened (and there was even one author who didn't warn for deathfic in the blurb, but said, "it was [her] darkest fic yet". I was rather pissed off that she didn't warn for major character death, and that it was oooh, a surprise, but that's my own personal fic reading habits).
Either way, the novel way to spice things up nowadays is going to turn into a character not dying
( ... )
In this scenario, killing off a character is being marketed as a "watch our show and see who bites it!", and I don't like that kind of strategy. There's a number of flaws with the strategy that I can see off-hand:
If the Doctor dies, he'll have to regenerate. Moff already hired Matt Smith this past year. It would be stupid to burn through a regeneration this quickly, and Matt Smith is actually enjoyable to watch. There's going to be a period of adjustment to a new Doctor, but on the whole, I'm sure that curiosity about what kind of man Eleven is is going to outweigh any resentment for Ten dying.
Not only that, but if you kill the Doctor permanently, you have no show. Moff could not possibly be that stupid.
If Amy dies, Moff is going to lose a huge number of people because she is a strong female protagonist (quadragonist?) who doesn't play the damsel in distress. I'm betting there's a legion of little girls who want to be as awesome as Amy. (I have trouble with the character myself, but
( ... )
I don't even read articles like that. I know they won't tell us anything important, and that tidbit of teasing? Ridiculous. That's nothing, yes, thank you for insulting the older fans who know who has renewed their contract for a new season.
Someone will die...would be a much better end of an episode teaser clip than the beginning of the new series teaser. This just awful. I'm now primed up to watch a character die? Ugh. No. Just no.
On the other hand, I'm ridiculously happy that fans of Doctor Who here across the Pond will now be watching Doctor Who the same day the BBC airs it. Finally.
It pisses me off that this is the way to be "cool" and "edgy"; kill someone people loved to get a cheap response. And then tell us about it in advance, so we can get all worked up and they can laugh at us (and maybe yell "surprise!" at some point.)
Yes, kudos to the BBC for recognising the international nature of their fandom. They're not all bad :).
Comments 53
<-- Here, have some DeRo to stare at.
What, the fuck, did I miss?!
I think the trouble with death being edgy is that Moff seems to have selective amnesia. He's already killed Rory once. If he turns into the Amazing Zombie Boyfriend Husband, it's really going to lose its impact very quickly.
And yes, re. selective amnesia. That definitely also. It gets old, and it's not like he's going to kill Amy (knock on wood.)
Either way, the novel way to spice things up nowadays is going to turn into a character not dying ( ... )
In this scenario, killing off a character is being marketed as a "watch our show and see who bites it!", and I don't like that kind of strategy. There's a number of flaws with the strategy that I can see off-hand:
If the Doctor dies, he'll have to regenerate. Moff already hired Matt Smith this past year. It would be stupid to burn through a regeneration this quickly, and Matt Smith is actually enjoyable to watch. There's going to be a period of adjustment to a new Doctor, but on the whole, I'm sure that curiosity about what kind of man Eleven is is going to outweigh any resentment for Ten dying.
Not only that, but if you kill the Doctor permanently, you have no show. Moff could not possibly be that stupid.
If Amy dies, Moff is going to lose a huge number of people because she is a strong female protagonist (quadragonist?) who doesn't play the damsel in distress. I'm betting there's a legion of little girls who want to be as awesome as Amy. (I have trouble with the character myself, but ( ... )
Someone will die...would be a much better end of an episode teaser clip than the beginning of the new series teaser. This just awful. I'm now primed up to watch a character die? Ugh. No. Just no.
On the other hand, I'm ridiculously happy that fans of Doctor Who here across the Pond will now be watching Doctor Who the same day the BBC airs it. Finally.
Yes, kudos to the BBC for recognising the international nature of their fandom. They're not all bad :).
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