roadtriphome! I'm proud of you, Airbear.
B) My school schedule this semester is so borked since I'm changing majors to English and rearranged my classes. (I filled out the form online, I just need to switched over in the system.) 2 English Lit, 1 required computer class, and 1 History since I need to make up for my English gaps.
Monday: 6:30-9pm
Tuesday: 3:30-6:15pm
Wednesday: 6:30-9:15pm
Thursday: 3:30-6:15pm
The required class is so STUPID since I've had to take one at every bleeding college. It's ridiculous, really. But really "Intro to Computing"? REALLY people? I've been in 5 colleges. Pretty sure I can use the damn thing. I had to drop one of my English classes since I'd already taken it and the English classes were pretty much full on all sides. Hence the computer class replacement. My other classes include Advanced Composition, Paranormal Romance, and Medieval Life and Religion (which satisfies one of my outta major 3000-4000 classes). I'll only need one more after this. My 2000 classes are completely done at this point for the outta major section - and then some.
And now I'm done. Done, done, done. I can't switch a blessed thing. I need to order my books from my college to rent soon. Thankfully, we're a B&N school so I can get some on my Nook. I feel so peaceful getting rid of my Psych major. How sad is that? I....just don't like people. I'd forgotten that. Characters I love. People? Not so much.