May 09, 2007 01:36
So I'm going to bed in a minute, early for me to boot, but I wanted to tell a couple things that happened today.
First off, I was woken up at 11:30am, by my mom telling me that Wachovia bank was on the line. And I was thinking, "Okay, I have money in the why in the hell?" I answer and come to find since I'm a "valued customer" I'll get an unrequested savings account, no min balance and $25 a month transfer to it as my only guidelines. Hey, I've wanted one for awhile, but they're really hard to get without having 300 as the starting balance. So I transfered 5 bucks. Hey, low limit. I just paid a 130 dollar credit card bill. I'm poor again. I told the lady that, but she didn't listen so well. Anyway, that was a nice surprise. It made me smile, I must say.
And the secondly, my godmom's an Eastern Star, who every year forgets to send in her membership fee on time. So this lady calls asking mom, I hand it over to her, then get called back 3 minutes later. Apparently, she requested to speak back to me. So I take down her address, phone number and name (which, I knew, since mama's been part of the chapter since moving back). She goes "Oh, when's her birthday?" I reply with "5-12-33." I hear a pause and "Oh, wow. How's she doing?" Which, what the hell, she hasn't been sick. "She's fine, just the normal things that come with old age. Arthritis, tendonitis, the usual." She paused. "Okay, well, I'll be the big 7-0 this year." I swear, most random convo ever. Also? I'll supposed to call her if mama dies, since a dead person can't be part of the chapter. (No shit, really?) After I hung up, my mom and I laughed so hard for about 10 minutes. The woman acted like mama was feeble minded or something, and she was only 4 years younger! I mean, good lord. She's not dead yet. Oh, god. We laughed so hard. I loved it.
Yeah, that was my exciting day. I'm heading to bed. I'm exhausted. Night everyone.
family: godmom,
real life: bank