"Sexyback, my ass..."

Jul 07, 2006 01:56

Yes, well. I love Timberlake, in case anyone missed that...but damn, I hate his new song. It's repetitive, and nurgh. Just, nurgh.

This could be interesting since both Allison and Danielle overplayed their hands right off the bat. And I wanted Ivette, damnit. I HATE JANELLE and HOWIE. Seriously. I so hated them last season. I wanted to vomit on them. I want Allison gone like the wind. She is like the most conniving person ever. I also don't believe that everyone wanted Janelle back. I refuse to believe that America is that obsessed with that surgically enhanced, fake blonde.

Moving right along. Had lunch with aunt. Got a nice necklace that she has (which the price was told to me, tacky, but well, it's my aunt so not that abnormal really) and cookbook. Necklace is a white topaz in a gold setting and two tiny diamondy looking things in the setting. Love her lots, but yeah, she doesnt look that great. I hope she comes out okay, though. I really, really do. Also, everyone keep indigochild76's grandpa in your prayers, okay? Good deal.

*bops along again*

I have a lot of pages to type up on SGA, or I could just type them and do the highlights for y'all, which is probably the kinder thing since each one is at least the front of a page and I have like 11 or so episodes to do. Right. Also? I HATE THIS STUPID EPISODE. Seriously, the most assbackwards boring thing...ever. Like, I'd rather watch Sanctuary than this. Seriously. That's like on par with my "I'd rather listen to Gone than Sexyback" said earlier this eveing. Believe me, that's a really big statement there. Like, big. Gone. Sucks. Along with The Tower. Expect lots of snarky comments when it's highlighted, seriously. *grumbles and goes back to watching the episode that will never end*

Oh, and Noelle is going to drive me to drink. I'm never going to get sleep with her activeness. Blah! She plays all night, like I've had to kick her out last night finally. Nothing like nails scratching the walls at 4 am. Or the mirror. Or the tub. Or back and forth on all three. Apparently, she slept in mama's bathroom window last night. She might get the pleasure again.

tv: sga, critters: noelle, music: gone, family: issues, music: sexyback, family: aunt, fandom: spoilers, tv: bb7, celebs: timberlake

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