Jul 05, 2006 16:25
So, this is my "I'm not going to talk about SGA" post. I don't really have a lot to say, actually. Mostly because my life is dearly boring and everyone was out having fun with July 4th plans, and me, I was just watching That-Which-I-Shall-Not-Say and moping because my cracked people were all off doing things. No, really. I was deathly bored. Holidays around here, not that interesting. We don't celebrate anything, mostly because of former job. Speaking of which, I'm going to have to start looking for one again. My meager checking account it about to take a 120 dollar hit when I pay half my car insurance. My godmom, bless her, gave me half. I pay a little less than 250 every six months to drive my POS. Ah, well. Anyway. I need to pay it off before the 13th, which is my former best friend's birthday. Also, my kitten, insane little shit she is, decides every night when I close my door that it's play time and it's really hard to sleep when the cat's jumping all over you in an attempt to play under the covers, or clawing the carpet, or anything else she can get into.
Okay, in other more serious news. If anyone remembers me saying my aunt has cancer last year, well...I didn't say this again because I'm not really one to tell other people's tales, but she has it again. This time, we think it's in her lymph nodes, which if anyone knows, is very, very bad. So I don't know how much longer she'll live. It's been in colon, lungs, and pelvic bone. The chemo is drying out her skin and making blood vessels break inside her. She doesn't have insurance, and this is costing like 20 grand a month, at least. She can't get federal help because she makes too much (I'm not sure where the money comes from, mind, just that it does.) and so she's SOL in a lot of ways. I'm going to see her tomorrow for lunch, and she lives in a deep state of denial. I mean, like severly. Optimism is one thing...her's not so much. She refuses to see the truth, and that worries me. She yells at my mom (real one) who is trying to help her, cusses her out, won't even let her go in while she gets chemo. Just expects her to take her and pick her up when other friends can't. Mom doesn't complain, and I'm not sure why except this is her big sister and she loves her, even if she doesn't necessarily like her. Anyway, I've been keeping this quiet since...well, the last time I said something. I just wanted to let people know why I don't have a lot to tell, because it's not mine to tell. I just hope my aunt's situation is resolved before she gets any sicker, and it's already pretty bad. By the way, I don't want sympathy. That's not why I'm writing this, I just guess I needed to let some people know and saying it all at once was a lot easier than individually.
Now I'll go take a shower to get the mail and take the trash out (all three bags full, which for two people, is about average). I just..yeah, that's an update in my life.
critters: noelle,
family: aunt,
real life: car,
family: issues