Aug 02, 2009 14:14
I've been home from the farm (read: lifestyle block) for a mere hour. Already, I've read all my email, harvested my cotton, milked my cows, harvested my various fruit trees, collected the eggs from my numerous chickens, organised my grocery shopping list (in my head) and even a family-sized bag of rashuns. All while sitting at the computer.
My arse hates me.
I was over in Carterton this weekend for a craft fair that Mum and her friend had a stall at (They sell home made cards and notebook things that are actually quite good). Of course, I somehow managed to get rostered on to man the table - we even had a rotating card stand like a real shop!
Figuring I didn't know any of the locals, so humility really wasn't necessary, I developed my own spiel that seemed to get people doing more than glancing over the stock. Some even made eye contact! I probably made about 60-70% of the total sales (and we did pretty well for a stall that really only sold cardboard).
So now I'm inspired to make my own gears, and sell them on my own table. Not in competition, mind, but perhaps along side. I wouldn't be doing the card-making doo-dads, but the knitting and sewing (for people under 30). It's a plan folks, now its just a matter of fitting it in.
the estate,