So, for those students out there who have a couple of minutes spare, can I ask a teeny favour of you?
I need your answers to a couple of questions for the assignment I'm currently rushing working on. The questions are about sleep patterns and while they look weird, they.. well... yeah, they are.
If you're awesome and want to help me out, I need your answer(s) preferably by midnight tonight, but I'll be checking right up until early afternoon tomorrow.
Questions are below the cut. Don't feel like you have to answer them all. If you feel like it's a lame question, or you can't be bothered trying to explain your opinion, just leave it out - you're the one doing me the favour. I'm not going to nag you until you tell me. Even if you only give me one answer, you'd have helped me!
Comments have been set to screened, so no one else should be able to read your answers.
If you're really worried about your answers, post anonymously - I can still tell who it is if I want, but all I want are answers to my questions - not names - so what would be the point?
You're awesome - just so you know.
You're all famous now!
Your answers shall live on forever
in artificial ink on electronic paper!
Thank You Very Mucho - Again.
1. In your opinion, what about sleep is important?
2. How long do you sleep for, on average?
3. How long do you feel you have to sleep in order to be at your peak for your study?
4. Do you believe it's better to sleep for long periods of time (i.e. all night) or for short periods of time with naps? Or a combination of both?
5. Why?
Aaaaaaaaaand - This isn't really a question for the journal, but - Would you consider trying new or changing your sleep patterns if I were to pass on any interesting info/methods once I have finished my journal?
Thank you for all your help! Me love you long time!
(Real post coming soon)