The term Lolita became famous through "Lolita" (1955) a novel by Vladimir Nabokov. The book is internationally famous for its innovative style and infamous for its controversial subject: the narrator and protagonist, middle aged Humbert Humbert, becomes obsessed and sexually involved with a 12-year-old girl named Dolores Haze. After its publication, Nabokov's "Lolita" attained a classic status, becoming one of the best-known and most controversial examples of 20th century literature . The name "Lolita" has entered pop culture to describe a sexually precocious young girl.
The term Loli is short for Lolita, and is usually referenced to hentai that contains underage females in sexual situations. This is a type of slang some people use to try and be sneaky and avoid any censors when looking at child pornography.
Have any of you ever noticed in the Lolita fashion the cheeks are rose colored, the hair usually curled, frills and laces are abound, and it shows a type of innocence and childishness? Here I will give you an example:
Hopefully that image of a "sweet lolita" should help you to understand what I mean. While the fashion itself is in a way cute, one should be aware of what it conveys. How about the Gothic Lolita? Well, lets' see:
Again, the style conveys a childish like apperance.
I post this asking you, please be aware just what you are getting in to when you run around wearing fashions of this sort, or any fashion you don't know much about for that matter. I simply ask, do a little research, and if all else fails; google it. After all, you wouldn't want to end up on the short end of a stick with some pervert you meet whilst wearing a Lolita outfit who wants you to dress and act like a child so he can get his jollies off because he knew what the fashion signified and you didn't, now would you?