Good and Bad sci-fi: LOST vs Star Trek

May 15, 2009 14:45

I saw the new Star Trek last night. While it's not a disaster, it's not especially good either. The casting is spot on and some of the characters, especially young McCoy, are pitch perfect. However the actual plot itself isn't very convincing and seemed arbitrary to me. If this weren't a vehicle for the re-imagining of one of the most beloved franchises in media history, it'd be a D+ sci-fi film with A+ special effects.

On almost the exact opposite end of the spectrum this week was the LOST season 5 finale. Oh, hubba hubba, what a show! Some of its FX are sub par (could that submarine have looked any more fake?) but as plot and mind-bending Sci-fi entertainment goes, is world class. What I find so interesting about LOST is that despite it's absolutely chaotic timelines and story telling style, it has done an impeccable job of weaving its layers together in a compelling and CONSISTENT way while all the while peppering in plot hooks that seem random and mysterious at the time but turn out to be major revelations a few episodes or even entire SEASONS later. The forethought and execution of this show is unmatched.

The other great thing about LOST is it's sense of scale. Especially with this season's finale, we get a glimpse of how EPIC the Mythos really is. I find it forces me to think in classic mythical ways...watching the show is almost like listening to a new epic poem by homer. It's a tale of gods and mortals and wheels within wheels. I find the whole thing immensely satisfying.
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