Jun 07, 2004 18:40
I just recieved a packet for convention from SDT nationals and I am a lil pissed off bc it is going to cost me way more than I thought it would for this. Nationals is not paying for the transportation form the airport to the hotel which is going to cost from 30- 60$ 1 way. Plus you need money for a few meals and things to buy. I am really not so excited. But I am really excited that my lil sister is going to be joing sophia as my asst rushess. and maybe she will take my place next year on Ebord in my possition. That would be so exciting.
I partyed for the majority of the weekend on friday night was ginas grad party and there wasnt any alchole except the champain punch which was good but weak, so my lil cuzin ( who is 19 and a bad influence on me) brought alize and hypnotic and we hid them under the table but we both got wrecked. I am so glad that my bff mishy was there bc we danced like crazy all night it was sooo much fun. sat night was my lil cuzins conformation which was fun more drinking and on sunday i went to cindys for a lil while which did not involve alchole but I got to talk to jackieG for a while which was great bc i havent really seen her in a while.
i I had work today and got my schedual for the summer and it sux bc i have to work till 5 like everyday , lets see if i really stay that late.