Time-wasting Meme!

Nov 14, 2009 13:56

I got some time to kill in between functions, and what better way than a meme (or Lite Brite Panties, yeah, gotta finish that)

Leave me a comment saying "What up V?" and then...

• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions

Here are my answers to ellorgast

Do you have dreams/plans to explore more original fiction?

Don't I freaking wish. I did a self-audit the other day and realized that I have been writing crap since I was a wee girl, and that as a young, impressionable moron pre-teen, I thought I could hack it as a fiction writer when I grew up.

And then I grew up, and realized that unless I fuck a book publisher, there's probably not a chance in hell that I'll ever publish anything. I have an uncle who worked for thrirty years as a journalist and has retired to finish his novel, and that was about ten years ago; if he can't make it, I doubt I can. So in the meantime, I'll stick to fanfic, still screw around with some original works, hope for the best and Just Keep Living.

Although Twilight is pretty much fanfiction and that woman is raking in the cheddar. Maybe there is hope for me after all.

If someone handed you a thousand bucks right now, what would you do with it?

I would buy this baby, or hand it over to tenebris if she would finish her entire Torchverse with a happy ending and Shotgun. Or to lovelylytton to finish Airmail. Actually, there are a lot of authors that I would drop a G on to finish their WIPs.

Surprise! One of your characters has shown up on your doorstep. Who would you want it to be, and what would you do with them?

So many to choose from! Um, um, I think it would be Jason! We could just cruise and go to the beach and he could play his guitar, and later we would make tacos and drink beers. I've made him out to be the friendly guy that everyone is instantly friends with, so I could kill a day just hanging out and being chill. Although I'd be expecting Raye to jump out from every corner with a box cutter, all ready to cut a bitch.

Alternately: DARIEN. He's got money, he's got a Ferrari, he's an awesome arrogant asshole...he could sneak me backstage at a Liquid Sugar show and we could drink and do drugs and party like we're invincible.

If you could be any animal, what would it be?

For a day? A middle-class Caucasian male. I wanna see what it's like.

Which of your characters do you feel you relate to most, and which of them do you wish you could be more like?

I think I relate to Mina the most; we've both had a rather up-and-down formative experience in careers and love, and I know what it's like to want to be bold and daring but have a niggling bit of insecurity. I wish I could be more like Raye, who seems to take no prisoners in her life and not let the little things bother her. Also, she is completely unafraid of confrontation.

ellorgast had some really good questions! Now you guys do it. DO IT. DO IT.


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