The rom com cycle is complete, in an utterly
Sex and the City-style ending. I'll spare you the dirty details, but suffice it to say I'm single, as always. I have a job, as a temp hoping to go permanent at [University]. I like it here, and like what I do, so we shall see, shan't we?
I've been a lot busier with a more full social calendar. Phew. I'm kind of tired. I haven't gone straight home from work since... last Tuesday? Monday? Tis quite alright. I missed this when I was in NYC, no? I want to catch-up with
wisdomeagle . What are you up to for the holiday? Are you by any chance coming out to the coast for a few days? I've been meaning to call...
Sorry for the short entry, but, surprisingly, there's just not that much on the ticker tape these days.