I'm Back

Dec 11, 2004 20:44

Sorry I've been neglecting my LJ, I've been upset and there hasn't been too much to say. I got back a few days ago from my Grandfather's funeral in Florida. My Grandmother is doing better than I expected, it was good to see my Aunt Kathleen, Robert, Sean and Aunt Marianne again but the whole house felt overwhelmingly empty without my Grandpa there. The thing in that house that reminds me most of him is this silly ceramic bank he painted of a curvy female frog in a polka-dotted bikini and sunglasses he called Lola. Without that botched operation he probably would have lived until he was at least 90, he was the youngest 79 year old I've ever met.

I had to sleep on the couch up there because I forgot my earplugs and was supposed to share a bed with my mom, she not only snores and kicks but also talks in her sleep. I didn't really mind though, because her father had just passed away and I know how hard that is. My uncle John (by marriage) managed to: make comments about my Grandfather's privates during the wake, got a massage at the airport, refused to stand in line with us when boarding the plane and just sat and jumped in line at the last minute, listened to Rush Limbaugh constantly and told my Aunt Kathleen that despite the fact that he was her father that he loved my Grandfather MORE than her. I did not cause him greivous injury when he tried to tell me they didn't always fight but she was being irrational or tried to say he looked like Chuck Norris (that made me crack up inappropriately at the wake). My mom made me promise that if he outlived her, to keep him the hell away from her funeral at all costs.

Today I buried myself in slashy Snarry goodness along with a chocolate croissant and I feel much better. I'm still really exhausted, I go to bed tired (and early) and wake up just as tired or more so.
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