once again, i love her so much. this video shows part of the photoshoot for her Nylon cover. it made me happy, even though there are a bazillionnn things that are going straight to hell. i miss CU more and more everyday, exponentially as i see more and more of Doral, and the more i bitch about it, even on LJ, the more i feel like everyone is rolling their eyes. i can't help it, it was the only time in my life when i was continually happy for an extended period of time without ANYTHING going wrong. i haven't finished or even started some of my summer readings. Brian ended up not showing up because "it hurts him too much to see me", it is so typical and predictable that the sameness makes me sick. i want to kiss Nicolas so bad and now he's in Munich, and even then he flirts obsessively through facebook with everyone and their moms, and i know it was just a summer fling, but it bothers me that he does it in my face when i've had the respect and care to not do so. Josie dropped off Daisy today so now i have two dogs in the house, and they are so cute but now they're starting to bark and my crazy Cuban neighbors will complain again for sure. i want to see Robert but his stupid chonga girlfriend is trippin'. tonight's party will most likely suck. my period is super late and i know i have no reason to worry but i still do, and it drives me insane that i'm so fucking paranoid. seeing Karla last night angered me because i feel like when we were friends, she was just like me, and everyone even said so, and then from one day to another she turned into a huge meanie, and she got stuck like that. i wish she would have told me what bothered her so much so that she wouldn't have gotten so resentful. i feel totally and utterly subordinated to everyone. i want to go to lincoln road really bad. school is going to start on Monday and i don't think i can stomach it. i want college application deadlines to hurry themselves so i can start feeling the pressure of essay-writing on the clock. i write so much better under pressure. i want to bake cookies and eat them, but i don't want the calories. i need cute sweatpants and the ones i want are like $40 at Victoria's Secret and that shit bothers me. i found out that the noun for corrupt is "corruptibility" which literally made me fume, that's so stupid. "corruptness" sounds a million times better. i want to learn Maple Leaf Rag perfect on the piano already so i can play really fast. i wanna watch Domino but there's no time and i wanna see it with Annie. i hope my abs hurt when i wake up tomorrow because we actually worked out at the gym today. we even made a lady cry :) well not really. maybe.
anyway here's the video. the song is so good. i put it on my Myspace.
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